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Preconstruction and Contractors

Essay Instructions:

Each question should be thoroughly answered, and reference multiple chapters of the book.

Each questions should have an approximately 200 word response. Each response should have direct in-text citations to the book, including the authors name and page numbers noted as such: (Vasey & Menges, pg. 93) or (Hussien et al., pg. 132)

Answer the following four questions

How is technology described in the book changing (or going to change) the preconstruction process?

What skills must a preconstruction manager possess to be successful in the age of Construction 4.0?

What are the biggest impediments to the concepts described in the book being implemented by preconstruction managers at smaller, less technologically advanced construction firms?

What specific concepts should be incorporated into the BSCI curriculum to ensure our students are prepared to be preconstruction managers in the age of Construction 4.0?

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Contractors used to be stuck in vast numbers of paper works regarding their work in the performance of preconstruction tasks such as quantity takeoffs, checking vendor qualifications, and communicating with project owners. However, advanced technology alleviated the paperwork burden, resulting in easier completion of tasks. It has led to various functions that affect the preconstruction process. Besides, it engages activities such as using multiple and not integrated software, which can pose a challenge during implementation, resulting in time wastage (Sawhney, Riley, & Irizarry, 2020, pg.46). For instance, data entry mistakes lead to identifying the potential possibility of winning and losing the project. Also, using various programs to complete preconstruction tasks is cumbersome as the teams involved must always rebuild the project's database of information in a separate management system after getting offers for the assigned jobs (Sawhney, Riley, & Irizarry, 2020, pg.54). However, the use of the best digital tools in preconstruction yields significant benefits. According to Sawhney, Riley, & Irizarry (2020, pg.58), it reduces the chances of mistakes in preconstruction, reducing risks during the construction step. It also enhances the construction of aspects such as prices in simple ways that owners can understand, improve the accuracy of any used estimates, and enable viable communication of the impact of large-scale processes and changes to plans to the specified parties in the project.
Project managers should possess specific skills to be successful in the age of construction. Having a reliable manager is vital to a successful construction project (Sawhney, Riley, & Irizarry, 2020, pg.12). Project managers have various responsibilities, including ensuring the project is completed in time and within the stipulated budget. Thus, they can only achieve success if they possess specific characteristics. First, they should have dynamic knowledge in the industry by being aware of the innovative strategies and methodologies they can use to attain the set objectives (Sawhney, Riley, & Irizarry, 2020, pg.12). Second, managers should have the flexibility to adapt to all the occurring changes during the project. Besides, things do not always unfold as planned at the start of the project. Third, construction managers should possess outstanding communication skills and express them as desired, aligning themselves with the project's needs to avoid problems (Sawhney, Riley, & Irizarry, 2020, pg.12). The trait helps them to communicate with various stakeholders such as clients, suppliers, and contractors. Fourth, excellent project managers should manage the organization's maximum levels to stay in control of all aspects surrounding the project (Sawhney, Riley, & Irizarry, 2020, pg.13). They shou...
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