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Security studies Life Sciences Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Answer each of the following in approximately 200 words each.

1. The Patriot Act (Title II, Sec. 213) allows for the delayed notification of the execution of a search warrant. Under what circumstances can the notification be delayed?

2. The Patriot Act outlines the procedure for congressional oversight of intelligence activities. What makes congressional oversight necessary? Why should Congress be the branch of government that has such oversight?

3. Title VII, subtitle A of the Intelligence Reform Act deals with foreign policy issues and U.S. actions in dealing with Muslim and middle eastern nations. What are these - and do you believe this to be good or bad policy?

4. As part of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 the position of Director of National Intelligence was created. What are the duties of this position and why do you think it was created?

5. Title II of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act outlines the improvement of the intelligence capabilities of the FBI. What sort of improvements are to be made?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Digging Deeper into the "The Patriot Act"
Institutional Affiliation
Security Studies
1 The Patriot Act (Title II, Sec. 213) allows for the delayed notification of the execution of a search warrant. Under what circumstances can the notification be delayed?First, when federal agencies are conducting investigations on terrorist organizations. The delayed notification helps federal agencies avoid alerting the terrorist organization of any ongoing investigation. Law enforcement can then conduct covert investigations that allow them to gather sufficient information to learn more about the workings of the terrorist organization. Keeping the notification delayed can unearth the wider terrorist network and dismantle core parts of the terrorist organization. Second, the government's temporary delay of notification can be used when investigating federal crimes that are non-related to terrorism, such as child pornography and drug trafficking. Delayed notification ensures the government can conduct legal searches and seizures on suspected criminal entities. The search is permissible when there is reason to believe a proprietor is involved in illegal activities. The temporary notification delay aids the investigation as the suspect won’t have adequate time to conceal any incriminating evidence. It allows the government to gather strong evidence that can help in apprehending and prosecuting the perpetrators. Third, it can be used when law enforcement or intelligence agencies want to preserve witnesses' identities. Delaying notification can keep a sensitive investigation confidential. This is because if the perpetrators are tipped off, they can harm the witnesses (Witmer-Rich, 2013). By holding up any immediate notice, law enforcement can prevent any leakages from getting to the perpetrators.
2 The Patriot Act outlines the procedure for congressional oversight of intelligence activities. What makes congressional oversight necessary? Why should Congress be the branch of government that has such oversight?
Congressional oversight is necessary for implementing the Patriot Act as it ensures the Executive arm of Government and Federal agencies maintain accountability and transparency in their actions. It prevents these agencies from misusing or abusing their executive powers and engaging in activities that infringe on privacy. Congress can review and monitor the activities of federal agencies when executing provisions contained in the Patriot act. If an agency deviates from the conditions, Congress can respond by taking appropriate measures to ensure civil liberties and constitutional rights are protected. In this way, congressional oversight is crucial in helping the executive, and federal agencies comply with the Act's Congressional oversights and check whether the Act's provisions enhance efficiency and effectiveness in intelligence activities. By assessing their performance, it can enact the best policies to boost efficiency in the Intelligence agency. Congress should be tasked with such oversight because, as enshrined in the constitution, it has the mandate to conduct oversight on executive and federal agencies. This involves ensuring federal or public officers, including the Presidency, act within the law's confines. Congress also enacted the Patriot Act, so it is appropriate to oversee the execution of this law (Stefoff, 2011). Further, Congress has a robust capacity to handle oversight responsibilities through its committees and task forces, hence promoting federal agencies' effective oversight.
3 Title VII, subtitle A of the Intelligence Reform Act, deals with foreign policy issues and US actions in dealing with Muslim and middle eastern nations. What are these - and do you believe this to be good or bad policy?After the 9/11 terrorists attack, the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 goals was enacted to establish robust mechanisms that will prevent the entry of terrorist into the United States. The Act involves the following measures. First, the intelligence department should conduct an extensive analysis to identify the travel tactics that facilitate the transportation of terrorists from the Middle East and Muslim countries. Second, the integration of new counter-terrorism technologies that will allow advanced screening of travelers from these destinations. The sophisticated technologies will help prevent terrorists from using counterfeit travel documents...
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