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Homework 5 – What do you now know about climate change?

Essay Instructions:

Homework 5 – What do you now know about climate change?
This homework should look familiar! In 400-500 words, tell me what you know about climatechange based on what you learned in this class. Do not just copy bullet points from variouslectures – you need to express your own thoughts. Here are some things you might want tothink about while writing: What can cause climate to change? What is the greenhouse effectand how does it work? Is climate change in Earth’s past a source of useful information for whatis happening now? You don’t have to address all of those questions, but they hopefully providesome starting points for your writing. Unlike the first homework assignment, you can losepoints on this homework for incorrect information.
You are welcome to use your notes and textbook for this assignment. Make sure to properlycite references if you use sources other than your notes for this assignment. References do notcount towards the 400-500 word count. Be very careful about plagiarism if you choose to useoutside sources.

Submission instructions:
- This homework is due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, December 4, 2020.- You must submit this homework via Blackboard as either a Microsoft Word document (*.doc,*.docx) or Adobe PDF (*.pdf). No other format will be accepted, including plain text. - Late homework will be accepted with the penalty described in the syllabus until December 9,after which this assignment will not be accepted.Grading rubric:Criteria No credit Partial credit Full creditSubmitted on time? Not submitted at all Late penalty ifsubmitted after thedue date/time.Submitted by the duedate and time.Length Less than 200 words 200-400 words 400-500 wordsFollowedinstructions?Plagiarized Clearly used outsidesources ofinformation withoutoriginal thinking bythe student.Provided an honestassessment of whatyou know aboutclimate change.Accuracy? Provided lots ofwrong informationabout climatechange.Has mostly correctinformation aboutclimate change, butsome wronginformation too.All of the providedclimate changeinformation iscorrect.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Homework 5 – Climate change
Causes of climate change – the greenhouse effect
Climate change has occurred very slowly over millions of years and is primarily caused by human actions, variations in Earth’s orbit, emissions from volcanoes, and excessive concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Among these causes, the greenhouse effect is more prevalent because it is directly linked to human activities. Generally, the greenhouse effect is a good thing because it allows gases to trap the sun’s heat, which makes the earth a comfortable place for human beings to reside. However, humans have increasingly burned down more fossils fuels, cut down trees, and engaged in extensive livestock farming over the last years. These activities insert huge quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Global warming from the greenhouse effect could cause ice sheets and mountain glaciers to melt and increase the level of seawater by approximately 55 meters to 60 meters in the next few hundred years (Wadham et al., 2019).
The impact of plate tectonics on climate change
Other than human activities, plate tectonics play a significant role in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Shifting or movement of tectonic plates results in volcanic eruptions, which increases the amount of sulfur dioxide and carbon in the atmosphere. Such movement causes a change in ocean currents, and the emission of CO2 and SO2 into the atmosphere increases temperature levels. However, if the movement o...
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