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A Unique Body of Water Assignment: The Mississippi River

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A Unique Body of Water
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The Mississippi River
The Misssipi River is classified as one of the greatest rivers in the world. The size of the river and its’ drainage basin traces to 31 states and other adjacent parts of Canadian provinces (Gomez-Velez, Harvey, Cardenas & Kiel, 2015). In terms of capacity, size and the length, the Mississippi river is ranked third after the Amazon basin in South America and the DRC Congo (Gomez-Velez, Harvey, Cardenas & Kiel, 2015). Some of the major tributaries of the Mississippi include Missouri, Arkansas and red rivers from west Ohio. The eastern and the Northern portions of the Mississippi watershed receive high volume of rain as compared to the western water portion. Moreover, it is perceived to poses the most complex flood plain ecosystem in the Northern Hemisphere.
The greatest feature of river Mississippi is its’ watershed. In the past two centuries, land around the river Mississippi basin has changed across the watershed (Osmond et al., 2012). This is orchestrated by hydraulic changes along the length of the river and the floodplain plain ecosystem. The Mississippi watershed is ranked third largest in the world. The Mississippi’s watershed extends from Allegheny Mountains all the way to the Rocky Mountains in the West (Osmond et al., 2012).One of the meaningful economic activities across the Mississippi watershed is the substantial application of nitrogen and phosphorus based fertilizers that have been in existence for over a century. The history of cultivation around the Mississippi watershed is driven by the policy of precipitation and hydrology that requires farmers to use specific types of fertilizers.
My memorial event during a tour to the Mississippi watershed happened a year ago when I happened to transverse the agricultural land around the basin. I assisted a friend in weeding kales and I had to bear a lot of ache around my arm muscles simply because I am not used to the activity. However, the pain was sorted a little bit of exercise the following day. The cultivation event contributes to my personal and special connection to river Mississippi.
Gomez-Velez, J. D., Harvey, J. W., Cardenas, M. B., & Kiel, B. (2015). Denitrification in the Mississippi River network controlled...
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