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What Are The Benefits And Problems Of Water Privatization?

Essay Instructions:

-Review lectures and references in Module 4.

the lecture will be uploaded in the file

-Watch documentary movie "Blue Gold: World Water Wars" by S. Bozzo (YouTube weblink) https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=megBMpB33jE

- Create your posts for each topic.

- Posts are responses to the two topics,. You can write posts in MS-Word and copy/paste to the forum in Blackboard.

- Two topics (threads) are as follows.

Topic 1: What are benefits and problems of water privatization. 250 words

Topic 2: Are we better off privatizing water? Why or why not? 250 words

- Example Scoring Rubrics:

A. Quantity (33 %)

- How many posts?

- Responded to all topics?

- Commented/questioned to others' posts?

- Responded to others' responses to their posts?

B. Quality (34 %)

- Used provided learning resources?

- Understood the topics and related scientific concepts?

- Well reasoned and thoughtful?

- Sources are properly cited?

C. Critical Thinking (33 %)

- Original and creative?

- Attempted to integrate posts and scientific data/other available resources in responses?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Topics
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Topic 1: What are the benefits and problems of water privatization?
Water is a precious resource and a necessity for life. The demand for water has been increasing for some years now, especially because of the urbanization and an extreme growth in population, and the availability of water is decreasing day by day, which is a matter of serious concern. As is shown in the video titled Blue Gold World Water Wars, water privatization can help improve the overall quality of water. Millions of people drink contaminated water on a daily basis, especially in the Third World countries, and if water is privatized, then the availability of pure and clean drinking water to various people will be made possible. In addition, water privatization will make systems more productive and efficient, reducing the mortality rate to an extent. Almost all countries are committed to strengthening their agricultural industries, and this naturally reduces the quantity of water in seas, rivers, and oceans. If privatization is done, then the problem of shortage of water can be solved. As is mentioned in Scripts for Lecture-2 (Module-4), the first disadvantage of water privatization is that it will limit the access of the poor to pure drinking water. By supplying water to a specific community (the rich), the other community (the poor) will have no access to clean water, and thus, their survival may become impossible. In simple words, it can be said that low-income individuals will be left without water. Additionally, water privatization could lead to lower servic...
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