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Anthropoloy. Physical anthropology. Physical anthropologists' project: flaws in forensics

Essay Instructions:

he primary goal of this exercise is for the student to further examine evolution from the perspective of two subfields in anthropology. The all-encompassing nature of evolution will be illustrated, and students will have the opportunity to explore the holistic nature of anthropology.


Anthropologists study many different aspects of humanity in order to fully understand the diversity of the human species. One of these aspects concerns our development as a species, both physically and culturally. For the assignment, the student will first discuss and investigate evolution as viewed by physical anthropology, and then the student will investigate and discuss evolution from one other subfield – cultural, linguistic, or archaeological.


In a 4-6 page written assignment, answer the following questions.

1) Define evolution using the course materials.

2) Define physical anthropology. Discuss some of the general ways physical anthropologists investigate evolution.

3) Using the APUS Library, find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which physical anthropologists are studying evolution (e.g. the Human Genome Project). Describe the research project and its significance in our understanding of evolution. Conduct original research, do not use the genome project because that example is given in class.

4) Choose and define a second subfield of anthropology (cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, or archaeology).

5) Discuss some of the general ways an anthropologist in this second subfield investigates evolution.

*Remember, evolution can apply to both physical and societal changes, so things like language and customs can evolve just as much as bodies and brains can.

6) Using the APUS Library, find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which anthropologists in this second subfield are studying evolution. Describe the research project and its significance in our understanding of evolution. For example, an archaeologist may look at how tools have changed through time, and what has caused that change (conduct your own original research, do not use this example).

8) Discuss how the study of evolution between physical anthropology and your chosen subfield compares and contrasts.

9) Conclude by discussing and reflecting on one new piece of information you learned about evolution.

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Definition of evolution:
Evolution refers to the various changes that occur in the heritable characteristics of populations over the years. The characteristics are defined by the genes that a parent passes off to their offspring. The genes are prone to change as a result of mutations and other genetic variations. Therefore, evolution occurs when the process of natural selection enhances or eliminates certain characteristics hence making them common or distinct within the population. Thus the process of evolution has resulted in the various species that make up the biodiversity. Different theories such as Darwin's theory of evolution have been put forward to define the meaning of evolution. Most of the theories revolve around the manner in which the characteristics of organisms change over the years to bring up creatures admirable of bad characteristics.
Physical anthropology
Physical anthropology is a branch of anthropology that deals with the behavioral and biological aspects of human and non-human primates as well as the extinct ancestors. It focuses on the change of the physical characteristics of these creatures over the years. This branch of anthropology examines the characteristics of human beings and therefore, the most common way through with anthropologists investigate this type of anthropology is by comparing the physical characteristics of the individuals from various generations. They do this by studying the bone structure of the ancestors of the human race. The results are then compared to the bone structures of the current human being. The differences in the two structure explain that evolution has been taking place. In addition, they also use the studies from the past and compare them with current studies to not any changes that have taken place. One of the mostly used studies is the study of the human brain. Given the increment in innovations, it is clear that the brain of the current human being has evolved to that of a person that can brainstorm ideas to come with something constructive. The physical anthropologists try to determine the causes of such changes, as well as the expectations of the future because they believe that the process of evolution is continuous. Experimentation is also another strategy used in this field to study the changes in human behavior.
Physical anthropologists' project: flaws in forensics
Dror (2018) argues out that forensics plays an important part in court proceedings by determining whether an individual is innocent or not. The evidence from forensics has become relatively unreliable as a result of the flaws that the data analysts make. Given the fact that it is the obligation of the forensic anthropologist to come up with a conclusion, then there are high chances of bias in the forensics data. It is based on human cognitive skills and, therefore, it cannot be termed as perfect. The authorities have to follow the decision of the forensics experts, regardless of whether they are right or wrong.
Therefore, this project has been made to make people understand the fact that anthropologists are not always right. The work of physical anthropologists is complex, and, therefore, a slight mistake in the data analysis can have a substantial impact on the results. Physical anthropologists ought to be careful in their studies and, if possible, repeat experiments to ensure they obtain the correct results. In the case of forensic anthropologists, their analysis is very crucial to the authorities and, therefore, they ought to be very keen with the data analysis process to ensure that they provide the correct results. Data analysis and interpretation is the root of physical anthropology and, it determines how reliable the research will be.
Cultural anthropology:
Cultural anthropology is a branch of anthropology that deals with the present and past of human beings in regard to their culture. The anthropologists examine the manner in which the cultures of specific communities have changed over time. Among the general ways through which the anthropologists of this field examine the changes in culture is by dong a literature review. By reading the materials that were written about a particular society in the past, they are able to identify the community's cultural beliefs. This is compared to the current beliefs of the society to not any changes that might have taken place. The changes are put down in a written form for future reference because the cultural anthropology is a continuous process given the fact that cultures keep on changing. As well, the anthropologists carry out direct surveys to find out about the traditions of a certain community. This process can be challenging because a lot of people have forgott...
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