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Anthropology Regarding Chinese Society Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

The topic is "The Maoist revolution has brought a significant change for Chinese women, but the economic reform led by Deng, as some may argue, has brought back some older gender conceptions, which were rooted in the system of Chinese family and marriage. What is the position of women in Chinese society, then and now? How would you evaluate the Maoist impact on Chinese women from today's perspective? Or what is the position of women in China today?"

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Anthropology Regarding Chinese Society
Anthropology Regarding Chinese Society
The position of women in China is greatly debatable considering that the state has had different rulers and various types of governance. Thus, it is almost impossible to clearly put the position of women within specific frameworks. This is because of the uniqueness of the changes that have occurred throughout the ages that have identified their position in society. However, it is critical to state that Chinese women have been constantly undermined and their rights have been limited for a long time as compared to their counterparts, the men. This study will reflect on the changes that have occurred in the lives of women throughout different centuries.
The Maoist Revolution
As the name suggests, this is a cultural revolution that was pushed for by Mao Zedong, who was the leader of the Communists Party of China that aimed to preserve the precepts and ideologies of the old Chinese people. “But before the foundation of the Chinese communist party and on the heels of the 4 of May Mao who was openly concerned with the feminist movement and saw in it a radical means of transforming the society, undertook a journalistic campaign for women rights” (Rhim, 1960, p.107).
Mao believed in the ability of women to preserve the old ways of thinking and therefore invited them to join the human race unlike Confucius who considered them xiao ren (Inferior human). In order to advocate for the rights of liberty and equality, Mao published several articles in magazines 1919-1920 that advocated for the rights and support for women in the fight for equality. Some of his magazines were banned from publication but still continued to publish Mao initiated many policies and rules that had a direct impact on the citizens of his state, especially the women. Historians argue that this revolution was critical to the Chinese women because it brought significant changes into their lives and changed the older forms in which women were classified and viewed. Thus, Maoism has always been positively viewed as a period of change in governance, economic status and social positioning of women CITATION Rhi60 \l 1033 (Rhim, 1960).
The economic reform led by Deng
The Deng revolution results from the leader, Deng Xiaoping, of the movement that was advocated for in China between the year 1904 and 1997 (Kristeva, 2000). He was a revolutionary leader who made many changes in the governance of their state. This revolution is also significantly responsible for many changes that occurred to the state, ranging from economical changes to global ties with different countries. Most of the policies that were championed by this revolution were directly in contrast to those that had been advocated by the Maoist revolution (Kristeva, 2000). Therefore, there is a great difference among the precepts that this Deng campaigns fought to implement and those that Maoist had established. One of the most notable aspects that were in conflict with each other between the two revolutions is the state of women in society. Many researchers and historians have argued that the Deng revolution pushed women lower in society and returned them into the state that they were in the primitive society where they were disrespected and treated as lesser beings as compared to men.
The Deng revolution introduced politics that were against women. The revolution enforced policies that were meant to establish men in superior positions as compared to women especially in governance. Women not only lost most of their jobs during the Deng revolution, they also lost their worthiness in society. They lost the privileges of job security and other social benefits like healthcare. The kind of reorganizations in the economy that this revolution suggested resulted into forced retirement for women at an early age or dismissal. These changes brought much alienation between men and women and stratified the society.
There is a preferential attitude towards production as opposed to the social positions of women during the Deng revolution which resulted in the ignoring of the rights of the women who had started improving their social lives during the Maoist revolution. The feminist values were ignored in pursuit of the industrial and economic development of the nation. The government out rightly became more concerned with the livelihood of men because of the contributions they made in government works (Kristeva, 2000). For instance, the birth controls that the country formulated were meant for the control of the country’s birth rate and gave no regard to the rights of the bodies of women. The government instituted more birth control mechanisms for women as opposed to men. Actually, some of the birth control mechanisms that were put in place had many harmful effects to the women. There are many evidences that indicate that there was an increase in the number of forced abortions by women due to this gender preference. Although the government tried to vaguely stop this illegal exercise, it failed to put strict measures against such acts, this failure led to a further disregard for the law. In fact, many women died in the process of abortion. Most of these abortions were also motivated by the want for the boy child.
There were cases of increased violence in different homes, especially with the introduction of the Deng revolution. This period saw a relaxed judicial system that lacked strict rules and laws for people who failed to respect the rights of women (Kristeva, 2000). There was an increase in the haras...
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