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Achieving social justice within resources exploitation and production
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Achieving Social Justice Within Resource Exploitation and Production
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November 27, 2024
Resource exploitation and production form the backbone of global economic development, yet their benefits are rarely distributed equitably across society. Resource-abundant countries, mainly in the developing world, are experiencing social-economic and environmental vices due to the operation of transnational firms and overindulgent societies, mainly in developed countries. The development of resource extraction and its consequences has deepened the gaps in global inequality levels; the vulnerable populations continue to pay the highest price for resource extraction. These effects include Loss of ecosystems and resources – Environmental pollution, displacement of people and communities, and perpetration of socio-economic injustice.
Accordingly, the provision of social justice within this framework entails a complex horn of social justice and human rights and a horn of the economics of resource extraction. It requires implementing a policy and activities that call for favorable distribution of resources, respect for human rights, and protection of the environment. This research focuses on analyzing the prospects and obstacles of social justice regarding resource exploitation in the context of Vance in terms of economic growth, environmental degradation, and social equity. The following analysis reflects on the annotated bibliography and focuses on identifying fair policies of resource sharing that are inclusive, sustainable, and require accountability.
Resource Exploitation and Social Injustice
Unfortunately, profit-making often exacerbates social injustices, making the gulf between those who reap the benefit of resource endowment and those bearing the cost even wider. Worse still, this division draws light to structural issues from structural injustice coupled with the international economic designs that revel in exploitation to create value. Negrutiu (2024) acknowledges that SE Ss in resource-rich areas are always disregarded to boost the economy at the expense of destructive effects like displacement, pollution, and leakage of culture and traditions. These outcomes harm minoritized groups while providing advantages to transnational corporate and high-throughput societies in the more industrialized nations.
In that case, the problem is not just a random and objectively necessary negative effect of economic processes but rather an inherent feature of the very configuration of the global capitalist system. As Negrutiu (2024) noted, this system is meant to make the most of the gain with negligible concern for marginalized people. Countries within the Global South with abundant resources end up reduced to mere resources through neocolonialism because the resources within these countries are exploited to benefit the global economic empire of the global North powers (Törnblom et al., 2024). It makes the fact that resources are valued higher than the local environment or native and indigenous people's rights all too clear.
Building on this, Lorek et al. (2023) explain how excessive utilization of resources in the developed world continues to be squarely wedded to the systematic depletion of natural resources in the developing world. This dynamic gives rise to a global architecture of 'environmental injustice' of resource extraction that generates dire social and environmental impacts on disadvantaged communities. Such expenses include felling trees, polluting water sources, eroding soil quality, and forceful eviction of people from their native territories. Such outcomes are not arbitrary but are located in systemic structures of globalized economic relations that work to establish profitable accumulation of capital at the expense of fair provision of resources.
Latin America serves as one of the best examples of these dynamics. McNeish (2018) analyses the region's mining operations with the operations initiated by foreign resource companies and stock exchanges through the global demand for commodities, including coal, oil, and metals. Such activities have, among them, caused the protraction of local populations,-instability, and destruction of ecosystems. However, the income from these industries is remarkably high, but the gains are not reaching those who are most vulnerable. Instead, these places are experiencing higher levels of poverty, exacerbated diseases occasioned by pollution, and restricted control over resources like clean water and arable land. Such greedy governments justify resource exploitation through presumptions of economic development, while social and environmental impacts often resulting from the practice receive little or no attention. This perpetuates the lending gap prejudice and the region's capacity to develop sustainably into the future.
Pollution as Social Justice Indicator
Environmental pollution can be viewed as an indicator of social injustice and its cause due to the intensification of the conditions of the already endangered populations. Malin et al. (2019) discuss how various types of marginalized populations are affected by environmental degradation resulting from the extraction of natural resources. Many of these communities are situated where natural resources are mined or drilled, and they suffer from air, water, and soil contamination, resulting in common illnesses such as respiratory diseases, waterborne diseases, and chronic diseases. In the regions where agriculture, fishing, and forestry are the most predominant activities, these harms pose a r...
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