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Methodology - Consultative Report

Essay Instructions:
Topic for a consultative report Pathogens control verification/validation: Risk-based preventive control of listeria monocytogenes in a Ready-To-Eat food processing plant Hint The study focuses on wet cleaning, mainly pre-operational and cleaning during production if needed. The effectiveness of the wet cleaning in the company is verified/validated through ATP testing applied to Food contact surfaces (zone 1) and ATP failures are recorded. Testing for Listeria Monocytogenes applied to Non-Food Contact surfaces (zones 2, 3, and 4) through swabs collected just after wet cleaning are conducted and no positive result has been recorded. Also, for Environmental Monitoring purposes, swabs are collected on Non-Food Contact surfaces (zones 2, 3, and 4) at mid shifts on weekly basis and test for Listeria Monocytogenes. listeria monocytogenes positives have been recorded for these mid-shift Non-Food Contact swabs. Thus, it should be relevant to analysis the cleaning SOPs and ensure that the Sanitors are well-trained and follow the Sanitation Standard Operation Procedure (SSOP). Non-conformance of Good Manufacturing Practices such as employees traffic from raw product storage to processing area, unclosed doors connecting raw product storage and processing area, and employees skipping Footbath and hand dips when entering in the plant are observed. Given the above topic and hint, write the Methodology for this project (Consultative Report) using future tense verbs (04 pages and 8 reference required) The methodology should include research design, The firm’s sanitation documents review. Sanitation document should include cleaning/sanitation records, SOP, ATP results, Listeria Monocytogenes test results, cleaning chemical and titration records, sanitors’ training record…. The methodology should also include a literature review, a direct observation of the cleaning process, and questions to sanitation management and sanitors.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Pathogens Control Verification/Validation: Risk-Based Preventive Control of Listeria Monocytogenes in a Ready-to-Eat Food Processing Plant Student Name Institution Professor Name Course Date Pathogens Control Verification/Validation: Risk-Based Preventive Control of Listeria Monocytogenes in a Ready-to-Eat Food Processing Plant The pathogenesis report contains a systematic framework for assessing and enhancing control measures formulated on the basis of ready-to-eat (RTE) food processing plant. This investigation will employ a risk-based focus on assessing sanitation intervention using ATP measurement of surfaces and pertinent data from environmental surveillance as indicators of cleaning performance. This research design incorporates observation of the firm’s sanitation process, cross-sectional interviews with the sanitation staff, and sanitation status checks on the firm’s GMPs. Methodology This technology consultative report will utilize a wide lens and numerous approaches of risk-based preventative controls aimed at Listeria monocytogenes in the RTE food processing sector. Document review, direct observations, and interviews of structured questions with key sanitation staff and management will help analyze the study. Any procedure for cleaning will be systematically checked through ATP testing while adherence to sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOP) and the effectiveness of good manufacturing practices (GMP) will be assessed. The methodology will meet many core stages, such as evaluating the effectiveness of the established pathogen control measures. Research Design The research will use a case study approach in which only one RTE food processing plant will be selected and generalized for a typical Listeria monocytogenes control problem industry scenario. It will allow for some evaluation of the current pathogen control measures in the firm, such as the wet cleaning carried out before operation and other operations during shift operations where the need arises. ATP testing and Listeria testing records, interviews, observations, and document analysis will be gathered qualitatively and quantitatively, as supported by Osimani et al. (2014). This approach will also ensure that the plant’s process and sanitation behavior will be assessed sufficiently. In line with the findings of Osimani et al. (2014), the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitation will be measured primarily by microbial analysis and ATP and Listeria monocytogenes counts. Studies regarding the effectiveness of sanitation, wet cleaning in RTE facilities and hazards of Listeria in such a plant will be conducted to analyze and interpret the plant data. Sanitation Document Review This paper will critically scrutinize sanitation documentation to identify current cleaning effectiveness and adherence. Key documents to be examined include the following. Cleaning and sanitation records. Such records will help identify the frequency, consistency, and other details of the cleaning process used in the plant. These will be critiqued, including ways showing that they are comprehensive and correct or reflect the plant SSOPs. Standard operating procedures (SOPs). The SOPs will be assessed to determine whether they provide clear, actionable, and scientifically sound instructions for wet cleaning practices, especially in preventing cross-contamination between food-contact and non-food-contact zones. ATP results. These results will be analyzed to identify trends in cleaning effectiveness on food-contact surfaces (Zone 1). Repeated failures will be cross-referenced with the corresponding SOPs and cleaning records to assess compliance and potential risk factors. Listeria monocytogenes test results. Testing records for Listeria on non-food-contact surfaces (Zones 2, 3, and 4) will be evaluated for patterns of positive detections during mid-shift environmental monitoring. According to Pietet al. (2016), this action allows for understanding contamination dynamics and the potential limitations of wet cleaning procedures. Cleaning chemical and titration records. To ensure that the correct concent...
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