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Abortion: Controversies, Professional Code of Ethics, and Utilitarianism

Essay Instructions:

Required Resources

Read/ Textbook: Chapter 12


Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (This includes the sources from the annotated bibliography. Additional sources may be included as appropriate.)


Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on that topic. The situation can be real or fictional.

Summarize the dilemma.

Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma.

Analyze the conflicts or controversies involved in the dilemma.

Revise and rewrite based on any feedback you received in your previous draft (week three). Reference and discuss any professional code of ethics relevant to your topic such as the AMA code for doctors, the ANA code for nurses, etc. State whether and how your chosen topic involves any conflicts between professional and familial duties or conflicts between loyalty to self and loyalty to a community or nation.

What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma? Why is that the most moral thing? Use moral values and logical reasoning to justify your answer

Next, apply the following:

Aristotle’s Golden Mean to the dilemma

Utilitarianism to the dilemma

Natural Law ethics to the dilemma

Which of those three theories works best ethically speaking? Why that one?

Why do the other two not work or not work as well?

Is it the same as what you said is the most moral thing earlier? Why or why not?

Use the 5 articles from your annotated bibliography to support your answers. (Additional academic scholarly research from the past 5 years can be included as well.)

Include a reference page at the end of your paper in APA format that includes your bibliography with the annotations removed and any other sources used in your final paper.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 4-5 pages (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page (minimum of 5 scholarly sources)


This activity will be graded based on the Assignment Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course Project Milestone: Ethical Dilemma Scenario
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Project Milestone: Ethical Dilemma Scenario
Mr. and Mrs. James attended a health screening at a Catholic Church-sponsored health clinic. Mrs. James was found to have active TB. Mr. and Mrs. James were instructed by the clinic nurse to take medication for a specific period, as well as to get adequate rest and good nutrition. Mrs. James was affirmed to be ten weeks pregnant during her subsequent checkup. Due to the effect of antituberculosis medication, the fetal risk of abnormalities was increased. In this case, the clinical physician suggests an abortion. Mr. and Mrs. James agreed to the doctor’s decision. She and her partner are Christians, so abortion is not supported by their faith. Mr. and Mrs. James and their friend John arrived at the clinic the following day. Mrs. James informed the nurse that their position on abortion had changed. While the nurse inquired about the reason for the change in their decision, John explained that Mrs. James refused to have an abortion based on agency sponsorship and religious beliefs. The nurse informed Mr. and Mrs. James that, as devout Catholics, they could not terminate the pregnancy. Mr. and Mrs. James have the right to decide on their health freely without being coerced.
Conflict/Controversies in the Dilemma
The leading cause of the abortion controversy is religion. There are three main ways that traditional Christianity encourages opposition to abortion. Deductive moral reasoning, which claims that abortion violates the purity of life as well as rebellion against God’s design, authoritative moral reasoning, which invokes Catholic dogma, as well as consequentialist moral sense, which perceives abortion as a means of regulating sexuality and limiting women to the home (Rachels, 2019). In this scenario, Mr. and Mrs. James declines to terminate the pregnancy because of their religion.
Professional Code of Ethics
According to the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) code of ethics, nurses should promote and defend the rights, safety, as well as the health of their patients (American Nurses Association, 2015). My personal and professional values include compassion, respect for human life, and honesty. Respecting a fetus’ life and encouraging the decision to have an abortion conflict with my personal as well as professional values since having an abortion means terminating the fetus. Mrs. James’s health is vital in this case, and the abnormality of the fetus could burden the family. Thus, deciding to abort is morally acceptable.
The moral thing in this dilemma
I am in support of abortion in this situation due to fetal abnormalities. Mrs. James’ fetus is more likely to be abnormal, and also, the abortion would benefit the mother’s health.
Aristotle’s Golden Mean to the dilemma
The Golden Mean of Aristotle states that moral behavior is the average between two extremes, with excess and deficiency at either end (Tilley, 2021). Find a middle ground between those two extremes, and your behavior will be moral. The solution to this problem is for Mrs. James to abort her kid. The shortcoming is the having a baby with abnormalities. The potentiality principle, which holds that those kids...
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