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Abnormal Behavior Scenarios: Excessive Grooming of Cats

Essay Instructions:

In this discussion you will begin by using an open AI chatbot such as Chat GPT or Google Bard to generate three abnormal animal behavior scenarios that could be applicable to the species you chose for your Course Project. Alternatively, you may choose any or all scenarios from your own experience or outside reading, but the level of detail should be similar to the example given below.

Once you have determined the behaviors to be altered (one for each specific scenario), find at least one peer reviewed article for each behavior (see this page for how to determine types of sources).

Focusing on the behavior determined in the scenarios (a different behavior for each scenario), find a peer reviewed article that explains and supports the behavior that needs to be altered. Remember, you may need to look at plans utilized with different species or similar behaviors.

Then, summarize its findings. Use data from the article to support why this behavior should be altered for the animal in the chosen scenario to promote its positive welfare. For example, horse cribbing is considered a negative stereotypic behavior, this peer reviewed articleLinks to an external site. found in BMC Veterinary Research supports why cribbing is harmful and uses numerical statistical data in doing so.

Finally, you will create a brief outline/summary of a behavior management plan for each of the scenarios.

Guidelines for AI ChatGPT:

In this assignment, if you choose to use Open AI - ChatGPTLinks to an external site. or another AI chatbot tool only to create the scenarios for this assignment. If you choose to employ this tool, it is your responsibility to use it critically (fact check) and ethically, making sure you are following the Unity AI Policy, DE Honor Code and Code of Code of Conduct in your student handbook, and follow these guidelines.

Any assignment content (written, oral, or visual), composed by any resource other than you, must be attributed to the source through proper citation. For example, if you use AI ChatGPT (or any other AI tool) to help with your assignment, even for generating ideas, you must cite it following this formatLinks to an external site..

Here is an example generated in ChatGPT, notice the prompt that was entered “Describe an example of abnormal behavior in walruses in zoos or aquariums”. You may have to experiment and attempt multiple prompts until you get a result that works for you and provides enough detail. You can even ask ChatGPT to give you tips on prompt writing!

Describe an example of abnormal behavior in walruses in zoos or aquariums


An example of abnormal behavior in walruses in zoos or aquariums could involve a specific walrus displaying repetitive and compulsive actions. Let's consider an instance where a captive walrus exhibits a behavior known as "stereotypy," which is a repetitive, purposeless movement or action that is often indicative of stress, boredom, or an unsuitable environment.

In this scenario, imagine a male walrus named Sam residing in an aquarium. Sam spends an excessive amount of time repetitively bobbing his head up and down against a glass panel in his enclosure. He does this for hours on end, seemingly unaware of his surroundings and showing little interest in engaging with other walruses, enrichment activities, or visitors.

Aquarium staff notices this behavior and becomes concerned, as it is a sign that Sam may be experiencing psychological distress due to the limitations of his captive environment. They investigate and realize that Sam's enclosure lacks sufficient mental stimulation and space to mimic his natural behaviors, such as diving, foraging, and interacting with other members of his species.


In one document, you will submit the following for each of the 3 scenarios. Make sure it is obvious where you begin each new scenario:

Bolded title of the scenario

Paragraph 1: Summarize the ChatGPT generated scenario (150-200 words)

Paragraph 2: Draft an outline of a behavioral management plan for the scenario in paragraph or bullet point format(150-200 words)

Each plan should include at least one cited scientific source to support your behavior management plan.

Consider the animal’s environment, operant conditioning techniques, naturalistic behaviors, public perception and overall animal health and welfare.

Paragraph 3: What steps will you need to take to ensure that your plan continues even in your absence? (150-200 words)

Include headings for each paragraph.

Copy and paste the ChatGPT crafted scenario on a Word document and attach it to the reply by following these instructions. Links to an external site.

Remember that these are drafts and you will expand on one modification plan in greater detail for this week’s assignment. Include at least one citation for each of your plans.

Essay Sample Content Preview:


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Excessive Grooming of Cats

The Scenario

In feline behavior, an abnormality surfaces in excessive grooming, a condition that transcends the bounds of customary self-maintenance. Illustrated through the case of Whiskers, an archetypal domestic cat, this behavior unfolds as an obsessive fixation with personal hygiene. Unlike the typical grooming rituals that cats adhere to, Whiskers embarks on an extraordinary and protracted grooming regimen, persisting for hours on end. This relentless self-licking and grooming exceed the temporal confines of usual grooming sessions. The consequences of this conspicuous behavior are both tangible and concerning. Whiskers, as a result of their excessive grooming, present patches of alopecia in the regions that have borne the brunt of this compulsion. These hairless patches are accompanied by visible signs of skin distress, marked by dermal inflammation and erythema, which is the reddening of the skin due to irritation. This scenario serves as an illustrative example of how abnormal behaviors in cats can have palpable physical manifestations. It underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing such behaviors promptly, as they can be indicative of underlying issues, such as stress or anxiety, and may lead to adverse health effects if left unattended (OpenAI, 2023).

Behavior Management Plan

1 Environmental Enrichment

* Augment Whiskers' surroundings with climbing apparatuses to offer mental and physical engagement (Stella et al., 2014).

* Create a secure, serene haven where Whiskers can seek refuge when confronted with stress or agitation (Stella et al., 2014).

* Continuous Food Availability (Titeux et al., 2018)

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