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Ways to Effectively Combat Terrorism

Essay Instructions:

Write a 600- to 1,050-word paper on an administrative change you would propose to make in a criminal justice agency in an effort to combat terrorism more effectively.

Describe the prior situation, the reasons for the proposed change, and the anticipated positive results or potential negative consequences of the change.

Identify the resources the change would require or make available--financial resources, human resources, and training dollars--and the management support the change would need.

One or more resources.

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Ways of combating terrorism
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Over the past years, terrorism acts have drastically increased across the world where use violence and fear have been used to intimidate state governments and societies. Terrorism is mostly carried out by political and social organizations with the aim of achieving their goals through the use of violence creating fear to civilians. Due to this increased rate of terrorism, there rises a need of curbing down this problem in order to better the life of most civilians as well as preserving their rights as human beings. In an attempt of achieving this, most anti-terrorism agencies have been set up to combat terrorism. These organizations are set up to control terrorism where they are equipped with the necessary techniques, tactics and resources in an effort of attacking the terrorism. As such, this paper focuses on the changes that can be made on the anti-terrorism agencies that will help them improve in curbing and reducing the terror acts across the globe.
Antiterrorism agencies can successfully combat terrorism on making various changes on their management and operation.to begin with, these agencies must ensure that they have maintained international standards of accountability by collaborating with many different partners across the world (Bhatia, 2008). Afterward, these agencies can strengthen their partnership and coalitions that in turn will make their operations effective. This can be easily achieved by improving the network operation of these agencies that will enhance good communication between different organizations across the world. Lastly, these agencies should hire intelligent people with great ideas on how to combat any form of terrorism.
In today's world, the American antiterrorism agencies have achieved much in controlling terrorism yet it has not stopped all terrorism acts. This is because terrorists have improved in their ways of operation where they have diversified their networks instead of centralizing it.Most of the countries have not partnered with Americans in an attempt of stopping terrorism as that leads to poor performances of these agencies (Bhatia, 2008). For instance, in Iran and Syria, terrorists are harbored, and their activities are being sponsored abroad. In addition, due to lack of intelligent staff in these agencies, terrorists have continued performing well as they are easily using the tech...
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