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My Travel Experience in Germany: First Impression, Communication, and Culture

Essay Instructions:

Act like if you was in Germany
Submit a 500 word essay of your first experience as a traveler.
Ensure that your essay is posted with an APA formatted cover page, the body of an essay with citations, and with a reference page.
I want you to associate the experience with the information from the course lectures and reading materials. I will allow the first person point of view for this essay.
1) Describe your first impression of the location.
2) Describe your immediate reaction to the people and how you were able to communicate with them.
3) If you had a chance to do it over, what would you do differently?
4) How has this experience and what you have learned in this course changed your perspective of intercultural communication?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Travelling is among the most cherished hobbies in the world bearing the associated experiences. People travel for different reasons. While some want to explore the world and learn about other people, some travel for business or studies. No matter the reason behind one’s travel, the experiences are normally remarkable. One prospect of traveling that people understand is the feeling of anxiety, confusion, and uncertainty that one develops upon landing in a new country or place dominated by varying cultural perceptions. Adjusting to the new cultural prospects is something that one has to endure in a new place. My latest experience as a traveler occurred in 2019 when visiting Berlin, Germany. Germany is a country that strikes one with its uniqueness embedded in their identity and communication, even if the feeling does not vary much from other western countries.
First Impression
One develops opinions about Germany as soon as they land in the Berlin-Tegel airport. The first impression about Germany is that its people are friendly and helpful. This impression stems from the dominant stereotype that Germans are grumpy, serious, and cold. It is true that while Germans are not all smiley as they welcome their visitors, they go out of their way to help people (Frank & Cave, 2016). Most Germans with whom I interacted developed closeness as much as we interacted. Hence, Germans are friendly and helpful even though it takes longer than usual for them to show that characteristic. Secondly, life moves slower in Germany as opposed to North America. An individual from North America would expect business outlets to be open at all hours and be able to get things done quickly and when they want them done. That is not the...
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