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Developing a Foundation-Funded Proposal For a Project to Assist Homeless Persons

Essay Instructions:

Assume that you are a member of a city-wide task force appointed by your mayor for the purpose of addressing the issue of homeless persons in your area. You have been tasked with developing a grant or foundation-funded proposal for a project to assist homeless persons in your community.
Develop a project timeline that lists the following:
The persons responsible for the project and their job titles
Tasks, goals, or duties
Projected dates when each part of the implementation of the grant will occur
Include a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that explains your timeline in detail.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing a Foundation-Funded Proposal For a Project to Assist Homeless Persons
Student Full Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Full Title
Instructor Full Name
Due Date
Week 3 – Project Timeline
The mayor appointed a city-wide task force to address the issue of homeless persons in the area. As a member of the task force, I have been tasked with developing a grant for a project to assist homeless persons in the community. Consequently, a project timeline that includes the persons responsible for the project and their roles, tasks, goals, and duties, as well as projected dates when each part of the foundation-funded proposal will be implemented, is necessary. This essay will outline each of these aspects of the project timeline concerning developing the grant.
Grants written by a collaborative team are more substantial, more coherent, realistic, and linked to the particular activities and history of the city-wide task force applying for funding. Writing a grant collectively will help me capitalize on multiple unique talents, get different viewpoints, and enhance buy-in to the project proposal. Although I will be responsible for more than one role in the grant writing process, it will be critical to breaking down the roles to improve understanding of all areas of responsibility. The grant to assist homeless persons in the community will include the following roles: grant lead, grant researcher, grant analyst, fact-checker, project rationale researcher, grant writer, editor, and collaboration organizer.
The grant lead is also referred to as the grant developer and is responsible for leading the grant development team. As the person in charge of developing the grant, I will assume the grant lead role. I will be responsible for defining the process, delegating grant tasks, supervising grant activities, managing the timeline, and deciding if the final draft is ready for submission. The grant researcher will be responsible for identifying funding programs that support homeless persons in the community and will therefore require excellent researching skills and experience in identifying funding bodies, over and above, proficiency with the fundraising database employed by the task force. The grant analyst will be responsible for outlining the grant necessities and availing critical information to the grant development team members for decision-making on meeting key grant requirements. The fact-checker will provide current city-wide task force history, mission, projects, and essential documents like partner organizations, team members’ biographies, board lists, etcetera.
The project rationale researcher will be responsible for identifying the homeless challenge that the project seeks to address in the community. Articulating this need will be critical to making a case for the endeavor’s importance and funding. The grant writers (the process will involve several writers) will be responsible for summing up all content prepared by the other team members and crafting it into a coherent and convincing argument. The editor will be responsible for reviewing the work to ensure that the case for funding has been presented with one voice of the city-wide task force and that the document uses the correct style, design, grammar, and format. Finally, the collaboration organizer will be responsible for the minor details of the collaborative effort, such as organizing meetings, sending invitations to team members, and tracking the receipt of all necessary materials, including support letters and signatures.
The roles outlined above call for specific skills. I will ...
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