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The Criminal Justice Administration

Essay Instructions:

1. You have been hired, as a consultant, by a large criminal justice agency, which is struggling with organizational transformation issues. You are to identify and discuss the main issues commonly involved with organizational transformation within the context of the various organizational frames. (20 points)
2. Discuss the major environmental influences on criminal justice organizations. (20 points)
3. Identify and discuss the various steps and barriers to communications and provide examples using criminal justice organizational settings. (20 points)
4. The chief of the department has asked you to explain the pros and cons of both the Quality Circle Program and the Management by Objective Program before deciding which program to adopt in the department as a motivational tool to improve organizational goals and outcomes. Describe what recent research has revealed regarding the effectiveness of both these programs. (20 points)
5. Explain how leadership investment strategies are critical to criminal justice organizations. Why do so few criminal justice organizations not invest in them? (20 points)
Keep the following in mind when completing this essay examination:
- When developing your answers remember you must include (cited) facts to support the major points in your response. Your responses should not include continuous citations without your thoughts and analysis, as well. Rather, your responses must reflect a balance between facts and your perspective on the points you make.
- Your responses to each of the quiz questions should be a minimum of one page (250 words) and a maximum of two pages in length, double-spaced and written in 11-point Arial font or 12-point Times New Roman.
- Include the question you are responding to immediately before each answer.
- Include a title/cover page.
- Include cited references and format them in the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style (6th edition).
- Submit your quiz in one MS Word document and place it in the appropriate assignment drop box for grading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Criminal Justice Administration
1] You have been hired, as a consultant, by a large criminal justice agency, which is struggling with organizational transformation issues. You are to identify and discuss the main issues commonly involved with organizational transformation within the context of the various organizational frames. (20 points)
Even when the transformations are well understood, there is an element of uncertainties, and there is resistance to change. The rationale for the transformation is to improve outcomes, efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. However, organizations also have cultures and practices that employees are accustomed to, and resistance to change is simply a reaction to the new proposals. The change in one department of the organizations also results in changes in other areas. There is likely to be politics surrounding the change from different departments in an organization, with some more likely to oppose while others supporting the problems. It is a delicate balancing act convincing all the stakeholders that the intended changes will have a positive net effect on an organization.
Broad participation of the stakeholders is another issue that influences the successful transformation change in organizations, including those in the criminal justice system. The rationale for this is that it enhances problem-solving, and if the leadership is not fully commit the transformation is likely to stall. Simply implementing the changes without sufficient staff involvement, may create feelings of alienation and exclusion. This is also related to the need to reduce resistance to change, but in the more hierarchical structures there is likely to be less input from all the stakeholders. To improve participation, the organizations need to encourage open communication as this fosters mutual trust among the stakeholders.
Communication is another element that cannot be ignored in organizational transformation. Internal communication is the primary concern for any organization, and the employees need to understand the strategies and direction of the transformation. The communication can support the organization’s strategic plan. Communication can make a difference for organizations when the communication strategy takes into account the concerns of the employees and stakeholders. They not only need to understand the strategic plans, but also the direction of the proposed changes, since this makes it easier to assess the current performance and likely changes.
2] Discuss the major environmental influences on criminal justice organizations
Funding is one of the factors that influence the criminal justice systems like the police agencies. Funding is required to collect information, process the evidence, as well as rehabilitate the offenders in the correctional institutions. The lack of funding can present problems with cases, stalling, and this affects the accused/defendants as well as the criminal justice officials. Since justice delayed is justice denied, and lack of funding complicates the quest for justice for the defendants. Funding opportunities are unlikely to be clear cut since the citizens are unlikely to accept higher taxes to fund the organizations. This also creates the risk that offenders are likely to be excessively find by the criminal justice system to plug the financing shortfall.
The U.S. Supreme Court case decisions also influence the criminal justice system, since the court has the jurisdiction to develop the rules that govern different cases. Additionally, through judicial review the US Supreme Court cases to determine what is unconstitutional and the supremacy of the federal laws over local and state laws. The criminal justice organizations have to follow the court decisions, even when there are political influences to the court’s decision. In interpreting statutes and precedents, the Court’s rulings, the criminal justice organizations may make changes on how they conduct their operations.
The legal pressures are another factor related to the court decisions, and they reflect the precedents, common law and precedents (Allen & Sawhney, 2010). The U.S. justice system follows some aspects of British laws, and activities that are deemed illegal by legislations are judged based on criminal or statutory law. Other than this, are the procedural laws that spell out how the offenders are to be treated by the criminal justice system. Individuals working in criminal justice organizations have to understand how new decisions affect the way they perform their duties. Additionally, the case law is another aspect that affects the criminal justice system, as courts create laws and review past decisions and precedents (Allen & Sawhney, 2010).
3] Identify and discuss the various steps and barriers to communications and provide examples using criminal justice organizational settings.
Communication relates to the relaying of messages and information from a sender to the receiver, with the aim of mutual understanding about the message. In the communication process, the sender first encodes the information, and then selects the channel of communication. The receiver of the message decodes upon receiving it and may choose to give feedback. The receiver of the information may distort the meaning if they have underlying assumptions, since they base their opinion on preconceived ideas. At other times the receiver gets information that conflicts with what they already know. For instance, in the prison system, there are various levels where the messages go through, and the final receiver of the message would hold different opinions based on their experien...
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