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Florida Law

Essay Instructions:

Please complete the following. 1. Read E.J. Dionne Jr.'s "Repeal Stand-Your-Ground Laws" ( http://www(dot)washingtonpost(dot)com/opinions/ej-dionne-repeal-stand-your-ground-laws/2014/02/19/38fd3d64-999f-11e3-80ac-63a8ba7f7942_story.html ), Liz Goodwin's "Florida Lawmakers Vote to Expand ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law" ( http://news(dot)yahoo(dot)com/florida-lawmakers-vote-to-expand--stand-your-ground--law-200940342.html ), and John Lott's "Perspective: In Defense of Stand Your Ground Laws" ( http://articles(dot)chicagotribune(dot)com/2013-10-28/opinion/ct-oped-1029-guns-20131029_1_ground-laws-blacks-ground-defense ). Then, write an essay (900+ words) where you discuss whether Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law should be repealed, amended, or left unchanged. Explain your position using the reasoning, evidence, and/or conclusions provided in the articles by Dionne, Goodwin, and Lott. In addition,you must draw on at least two additional sources from the academic and legal research on this topic. (Ebsco Academic Search Premiere would be a useful starting place.) Also, each paragraph of the essay must have at least one APA Style direct quotation or paraphrase whether its from Dionne, Goodwin, Lott, or another source. Before submitting your work, students are encouraged to use the free Smarthinking Tutoring service. Click on "Learning Resources" for log on instructions. Students who use Smarthinking Tutoring and submit their tutor's comments with their paper will receive extra credit on their assignment. The assignment must be written in APA Style with references. Papers that do not meet these this requirement will not be graded. The rubric (grading criteria) for written assignments is available under the Rubrics tab in the course menu.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stand Your Ground Laws
Stand Your Ground Laws
Florida "stand your ground" law allows individuals who are not involved in illegal undertakings the right to defend themselves by meeting force by force (Dionne , 2013). If they perceive it right even to use deadly force in order for them to avoid major bodily harm and or death. Law is not meant to cause trouble instead it is designed to solve problems. Therefore, if a law is not helping the citizens feel safe and secure, then such law demands for repeal and r amendments. The Florida law seems flawed in that one does not need a real threat all is required of them is to feel or believe a threat then they can react in the so called self-defense. Force in self-defense should only be used if all other options are not available or are fully exhausted. The arguments here in are to show the need for repealing for the Florida "stand your Ground" laws.
The stand your ground law allows citizens to employ deadly force without the efforts to avoid the danger facing them peacefully creates more room for gun crime and violence. In most cases many law breakers foster response to an "attack" (Lott, 2014). In other cases they even go further to cause vigilante justice. Since the concealed carry laws and accessibility of guns easily allows almost everyone in the state to own guns. This is with no exception to the untrained members of the community (Dionne , 2013). Therefore the attack response can in most cases turn out to be fatal. A recent study conducted in twenty (20) states on "stand your grounds" laws indicated that the laws does less in deterring violent crime. Instead there are increased cases of homicides in the states. This results to higher numbers of shooting deaths in the country annually.
The laws also disproportionately seem to discriminate a community of a particular color. A report done by Urban institute study showed that in the cases when black victims are shot by whites, thirty four (34) percent of the reported homicides turn out to be justified and three (3) percent of the deaths are justified in the case where the victim is a white and the shooter is a black (Goodwin's, 2014). A mother, Lucy, whose son, Davis, was a victim of the st...
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