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Special project guest speaker report Law Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Guest Speaker – Final Report

*Fyi i did not attend the first one

Directions: Write a 1 page report [fill up/in the box completely from top to bottom] about your interactions with the guest speaker/s from the Young Invincibles. Talk about things that you learned, wanted to know more information about, and your overall assessment [were their visits helpful or useful?]. Whether you interacted once or twice, then write about that, and deductions will be made accordingly! ONLY IF YOU WERE NOT PRESENT for any visit(s) should you use bold print and on the very last line in the box indicate that “I was not present for presentation 1 or 2” (ß whichever is applicable). If you were present for both, then the previously mentioned would not apply to you---again, fill up the box with commentary as is expected. The margins have been set all around, use grammatically correct sentences, the mechanics of writing, indentations to identify paragraphs, double space the body, use font Times New Roman, and 12 for the font size. To manually indent a paragraph, hit the space bar 10 times. Do not use abbreviations, text lingo, or short (baby) sentences like “I don’t know”, “I don’t have an opinion”, “N/A”, or anything of the like as an answer. Only the report page should be turned in [if you go over by a few sentences… that’s ok! J]. Do not use excess space like hitting the space bar 2 or 3 times between paragraphs. Delete any excess space. Any of the previously mentioned issues will result in major point deductions in increments of 10.


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Guest Speaker – Final Report
My encounter with the guests from Young Invincibles and the whole session was incredible. Bhoje (2015), a motivational speaker and author, believes that students need the motivation to work hard and achieve their dreams. That day, the guest, Aurora Harris, reinforced Bhoje (2015) message that students are at a delicate stage that needs tender care. I learned to appreciate motivations from such presentations since I was in secondary school. That is why I attended the presentation, hoping to boost my ability to endure challenges and work hard to reach my targets.
I benefited the most from the lessons on the iceberg, a tool that guides our thinking. Among the many challenges I face is following due processes until I make the right decision. Within every thought, I often skip some stages because of laziness during thinking. I realized that I always thought of a problem or an event, but I fail to detail the patterns that form the circumstances and what influences the patterns.
Another important lesson I learned is the importance of the targeted universalism framework. Success is about setting goals that guide the process and outlining the strategies to aid the chase for the plans. I learned from the session that it is challenging to set a goal. Goals should have targets that exhaust our abi...
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