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Celebrity endorsements Law Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

Once upon a time (way back when), when celebrities got involved in politics, the nation was intrigued or captivated. Should celebrity endorsements matter or make a difference to voters in deciding who should hold a political office, especially now, in the midst of such a contentious election? Kayne West is a staunch supporter of Donald Trump (but was not a fan of George W. Bush), as are Clint Eastwood, Scott Baio, and Kid Rock. Oprah, Jay Z, Katy Perry, and Bruce Springsteen endorsed Barack Obama, and filmmaker Michael Moore and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (a “rock star” amongst progressive voters) endorsed Bernie Sanders. Should the public (voters) rely on celebrities (or others) to make political decisions for them? Explain your stance in 150-200 words, and reply to two others in 50 – 100 words. USE THE WORD COUNTER TO ASSIST IN KNOWING HOW MANY WORDS YOU'VE CONTRIBUTED.

Again, your initial response should be 150-200 words. Your two additional responses to classmates should be between 50-100 words. This discussion will close on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 @ 11:59 PM. Any posts received after the deadline will be discredited.


The Core Rules of Netiquette — Summary

Rule 1 - Remember the human. Never forget that the person reading your mail or posting is, indeed, a person, with feelings that can be hurt....

Rule 2 - Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life…

Rule 3 - Know where you are in cyberspace....

Rule 4 - Respect other people's time and bandwidth.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Celebrity endorsements
Celebrity endorsements should not matter or make a difference to voters in choosing who should hold political office. First, giving a celebrity’s opinions more weight than other public commentators is dangerous because their endorsements, whether paid or not, are not known to be based on some reasoned, analytical process. Celebrities are known for accepting funds and favors to endorse products, candidates and services to their legions of admirers even when they do not understand what they are saying. For example, when Kanye West declared his support for Donald Trump in 2016, the only explanation he gave was that Trump would ‘drain the swamp’ and ‘make America great again’. Later it emerged he just wanted to associate with a White House occupant to improve his activism leverage (Yasharoff, 2018).
Second, Celebrities are not experts on public polic...
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