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Crime Scene Investigation: Looking for Clues

Essay Instructions:

Preliminary investigations do not necessarily yield enough information to prosecute a criminal case. Despite a thorough preliminary investigation, many cases require a follow-up investigation.

For this assignment, select a recent criminal case in your city(Columbia, South Carolina) or local geographical area from the past six months. Consider how you would investigate this case.

Write a 3–4-page paper in which you:

1. Assemble a set of guidelines based on your textbook readings for conducting a preliminary crime scene investigation for this criminal case.

2. Discuss at least one way data mining can be used in order to conduct an efficient follow-up investigation for this case.

3. Identify the major crimes in this case and specify the reporting procedures.

4. Consider the four most important characteristics of an effective criminal investigator and discuss the level of effectiveness that was brought to this case by the investigator. Was the investigation effective? Where could there be improvements?

5. In what way can law enforcement investigators conduct efficient and effective investigations while maintaining the rights of both the victim(s) and the accused(s) in a criminal case?

6. Cite three references from the past two years. Note: Wikipedia and similar types of websites do not qualify as academic resources.

7. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Crime Scene Investigation
Crime scene investigation.
Crime scene investigation involves reconstructing evidence that points to the cause or the person responsible for criminal activities. The process uses physical evidence and different theories that identify missing components, leading to case closure. A follow-up investigation is necessary as perpetrators often destroy evidence. Also, the nature of the crime and solvability factors dictate which crimes to conduct a follow-up investigation (Dutelle 2020). Thorough documentation of crime scenes is time-consuming; therefore, investigators play a critical function in prosecution. The detective supervisor conducts case screening to determine reactive cases that require follow-up investigation after the initial discovery and post crime activities of the dispatched officers.
On July 19th 2020, Fox News published reports of a woman's remains buried in a shallow grave near Gaffney town. A family nearby reported a missing member. According to the county coroner, the woman's discovery was on a Sunday afternoon at around 2 pm in a cornfield. The sheriff implied that an autopsy is necessary to identify the cause of death and confirmation of the victim's identity. Later, the woman was positively identified in the following week through details from the primary investigation, specifically her clothing before she went missing. The cause of death, in this case, was confirmed as a homicide.
As an investigator, the sole purpose is to apprehend the offender. Preliminary investigation entails specific procedures and framework that guides the tasks performed (Dutelle 2020). First, confirmation that the crime occurred is necessary through witnesses that call for police response. In the beginning, conducting Identification and documentation of the victim crime's location and time starts. During the preliminary investigation, appropriate securing and tapping is necessary to protect crucial evidence. Investigating death entails methodical steps guided by an open mind; otherwise, homicides are frequently confused with accidents or suicide. The preliminary investigation entails a detailed examination of the circumstance surrounding death through clear photo documentation. Homicide cases employ photography that aids investigators refer to important potential details missing from the reports
Data mining facilitates the criminal mind's study to determine the motive and cause of crime (Hough 2019). Although much evidence may be visible at the crime scene, only useful information is used by the forensic investigators for analysis. The crime matching technique selects crime features to connect the suspect or crime to past similar criminal activities. Tracking recent activities entails developing a behavioral pattern of the assailant that enables the detective to predict his next move. Following witness reports that they saw the suspect strangling the woman then driving off after a violent domestic fight, data mining enabled inves...
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