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Police Assault and Legal Force Law Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Assault is classified as either simple or aggravated (felonious assault). Simple assault is intentionally causing another person to fear immediate bodily harm or death, or intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm on the person. Aggravated or felonious assault is an unlawful attack by one person on another to inflict severe bodily injury. However, there are times when physical force may be used legally, in certain instances, without it constituting an assault. In specified instances, teachers, people operating public conveyances, and law enforcement officers can legally use reasonable physical force.

1. Describe one example from real-life news within the past three years to illustrate a time when a law enforcement officer used physical force that was found to be lawful.

2. Analyze the facts of the case and discuss what evidence you believe led to this conclusion.

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Police Assault
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Police Assault
Assault can be defined as inflicting unwanted or harmful physical association on someone. Based on legal definitions, it is an attempt or threat to inflict physical harm. This can be a serious crime if the reasons behind it are not justified and may lead to criminal prosecution in a court of law. Police officers mostly assault citizens as they try to maintain law and order. This assault can be legal or illegal, depending on the specific situation they are handling that requires them to use force. Police assaults can either be lawful or unlawful, depending on the evidence presented in court.
On 26th September 2016, a 40-year-old man named Terence Crutcher was shot dead by Betty Jo Shelby, an officer in Tulsa. ...
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