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The Original Purpose of Probation and Parole

Essay Instructions:

Earlier in this course, we discussed how to make a moral assessment of an action, particularly an individual's behavior. For this assignment, we will analyze objective truths embedded in current criminal justice practices, specifically practices involving probation and parole. (A policy that unfairly harms individuals is not moral.) The United States criminal justice system has confined 2.3 million people, precipitating the exploration of alternatives methods to incarceration. Probation and parole, thought to effective solutions to this problem, had their own punitive and, as we will explore, unconstitutional ramifications. Roughly half of the people who exit probation and parole exit successfully, however, many of those who are unsuccessful end up in prison or jail. In many states, probation and parole revocations are increasing incarceration rates (rather than helping to decrease mass incarceration). Contributing to these revocations are unrealistic conditions to probation, which could include fees for court, supervision, attorneys, drug testing, additional fines, and more. Long probation sentences can result in onerous debts. Some police departments and courts are turning to emerging technologies to assist them in their decision-making.

Nearly 2% of the U.S. population is on parole or probation, and 30% of this group are African American (Horowitz, 2018). Since probation and parole are harming rather than helping individuals, in particular, new remedies are required. Emergent criminal justice research identifies some of the problems emanating from probation and parole practices and offers several solutions. We will be looking at two of these study topics.

Topic 1 – Mass Supervision - More than 4.6 million people in the United States are on probation and parole.

Topic 2 – Predictive Algorithms - Police departments and court systems are turning to science and technology to predict criminal behavior when making sentencing recommendations, predicting crime, recidivism, among other things.

For this Discussion, discuss the issues unfolding from Topic 1 or Topic 2 (choose the topic that interests you most). The Learn materials for this week will help you understand the issues surrounding mass supervision and predictive algorithms. Refer to these materials for the source requirement. After viewing the Learn materials and choosing a topic, answer the following questions.

Topic 1 – Mass Supervision (Probation and Parole)

From your understanding, what was the original purpose for probation and parole?

Evaluate the consequences (potential or existing) of these practices. (What moral or constitutional issues are present?)

Discuss whether you believe probation and parole are still viable alternatives to incarceration in light of the consequences of these practices.

Topic 2 - Predictive Algorithms

From your understanding, what was the original purpose of the use of predictive algorithms?

Evaluate the consequences (potential or existing) of this practice. (What moral or constitutional issues are present?)

Discuss whether you believe predictive algorithms are still viable tools for criminal justice practitioners in light of the consequences of this practice.


You will complete 4 Discussions in this course. You will post one thread of at least 400 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned Module: For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least 4 scholarly citations in APA format. There is no word count or citation requirement for each reply; however, substantive responses can be written concisely in 1-2 sentences. Replies to classmates must advance the discussion through a biblical worldview.

Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, and the course materials.

Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rethinking Probation and Parole
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The Original Purpose for Probation and Parole
There have been significant changes in models guiding the community supervision practices. The main focus of probation and parole in the twentieth century was the rehabilitation aspect of society supervision. However, the correctional philosophy has experienced significant changes resulting in dramatic effects on community supervision objectives. The original purpose of probation and parole was to give people a second chance to reform. Mass supervision seeks to rehabilitate defendants, protect the victims’ rights, and protect the community from criminal acts by the defendant. Probations are granted by judges for first-time offenders and low-risk crimes (Canton & Dominey, 2018). The law stipulates when courts should grant probation instead of jail time, but the sentencing judge determines when to grant probation. On the flip side, parole offers prisoners an organized, supported, and monitored provision transition to facilitate their transition to adjust from prison and adapt to society. The primary purpose of parole is to increase the safety of the society by helping prisoners return to society at the end of their sentence instead of returning the prisoners directly to the society after their sentences without any support (Schaefer & Brewer, 2021). Prisons are structured and controlled surroundings that vary from ordinary community life. Prisoners who have been removed from society for a long time might find adapting challenging. Prisoners directly released from prisons without supervision have a higher rate of reoffending than prisoners released with supervision. In sum, the primary purpose of probation and parole is to give individuals a second chance in life while ensuring the community’s safety.
Consequences of Probation and Parole
Probations and paroles have multiple consequences both in the community and for individuals. Probation provides offenders with an alternative to incarceration. It allows a family to remain united, and parents can provide for their households. Also, probation re...
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