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Differences between Adult and Juvenile Court Systems

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In some juvenile cases, corrective actions may not be effective and the youth will continue to offend with increasing severity. Courts will explore the available options to rehabilitate the juvenile offender. However, increased severity of offenses can often lead to a juvenile’s transfer to an adult court where penalties are more severe.

As you complete your assignment, consider the differences between the adult and juvenile court systems.

1. Describe the basic approach to the juvenile court system today.

2. Describe the adjudication process in the juvenile court system.

3. What are some key differences between the juvenile and adult systems, and why do these differences exist?


Describe the basic approach to the juvenile court system today.


Describe the adjudication process in the juvenile court system.


Identified some key differences between the juvenile and adult systems.


Described a reason for differences between the adult and juvenile systems.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Juvenile Crime System
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Juvenile Crime System
Question 1
According to studies, the United States' judicial system established a separate juvenile justice system around a century ago, intending to transition juvenile offenders from harmful punishments in courts to rehabilitation depending on each youngster's needs. However, due to an upsurge in violent crimes among teenagers in the 1980s, the judicial system opted to shift the traditional juvenile crime system strategy to a get-tough approach (Bishop & Feld, 2012). This strategy is still employed in several states across the United States today. Most states accepted it because it emphasizes penalizing delinquents for their offenses, believing that they pose the same threat to public safety as adult criminals. Although various states have diverse juvenile crime systems, most have embraced the tough-on-crime strategy to create legal policies and changes that allow for aggressive juvenile enforcement (Bishop & Feld, 2012)t. As a result, several minor offenses are necessary to be punished as adult charges. In addition, as a result, some offenses committed by minors are becoming mandatory to be treated as those of adults.
Question 2
Adjudication is a juvenile court process determining whether a youth committed the offense for which they have been charged. Several procedures are followed during the adjudication process (Kraut, 2020). First, the prosecution must prove all of the claims against the minor. The kid can then offer their defense through a judicial subpoena power or a witness. Following that, the judge listens to all of the evidence offered by the prosecution and the minor's arguments. Then he determines if the evidence is sufficient to support the petition (Kraut, 2020). The kid is released if the judge deems the charges to be false. When he discovers they are correct, he holds a disposition hearing, similar to a sentencing hearing in adult court. Following that, the judge imposes several punishments on the minor, ranging from counseling, imprisonment, hous...
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