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New York Policy: The Broken Windows Theory of Policing

Essay Instructions:


During the 1990s, New York City adopted a method of policing based on the broken windows theory. Subsequently, crime decreased.

In regard to the policy change, your essay will respond to the following questions:

What is the broken windows theory of policing?

How did the New York Police Department implement its new theory of policing?

How has the number of stops in New York City changed during the past couple of decades?

What civil rights issues are raised by New York City’s method of policing?

In order to answer those questions, you'll need to

Research law enforcement policies

Relate law enforcement policies to crime rates

Relate law enforcement policies to criminological theory

For assistance with resources for this project, please use resources in the library.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

New York Policy
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New York PolicyWhat is the broken windows theory of policing?
The broken windows theory of policing is a theory of policing was proposed by Wilson Kelling, George Kelling, and James Q in 1982 (Brown et al., 2004). The term “broken window” metaphorically refers to the disorder and safety issues in society. The broken window theory identifies a direct relationship between crime and incivility. According to the theory, neighborhoods with high crime rates have a high tolerance for disorder and vulgarity. Incivility refers to the lack of courtesy, respect, and positive interactions between people in the same neighborhood. It relates to disrespectful, rude, and discourteous societal actions and practices (Brown et al., 2004). According to Brown et al. (2004), in the broken window theory, incivilities from weak social ties among people in the same neighborhood promote crime. Physical incivilities such as unkept laws, broken windows, littered laws, pathways, and homes also contribute to high crime rates. They depict a state of disorder and invite crime in these neighborhoods. Physical and social incivilities also promote crime by discouraging members of the neighborhood from participating in social activities due to fear (Brown et al., 2004). As a result, criminals interpret fear from members of the neighborhood and take advantage of the situation to participate in crime in these areas. 
The broken window theory of policing has been in use in the United States since the 1990s. The policy discourages incivilities to promote safety and reduce crime rates. The police departments enforce the broken window theory in policing by encouraging aggressive maintenance practices like mowing lawns and keeping neighborhoods clean. In the 1990s, William Bratton, New York’s police commander, encouraged regular neighborhood cleanup and maintenance to lower crime rates in New York. The police departments believed in maintaining the safety of their people by keeping neighborhoods clean and attractive (United States Commission on Civil Rights, 2020). This helped to reduce crime rates since the cleanup exercises discouraged criminals and promoted social interactions among people in the neighborhoods. The broken window theory of policy helped to restore order in society, thus lowering crime rates. 
How did the New York Police Department implement its new theory of policing?
The New York Police Department implemented its new Broken Window theory in policing by promoting social and communal order through arresting and punishing offenders or minor crimes. The New York Police department incorporated the broken window policy by focusing on minor crime offenders to restore order and prevent serious crimes. The broken window policy is based on the idea that the occurrence of minor crimes influences these crimes to escalate to serious crimes if no action is taken. New York City implemented the broken window theory in policing by enforcing law and order against all minor crimes. The New York Police Department also adopted a broken window policy in policing to eliminate disorder in the city, contributing to high crime rates. The police department sought to maintain order by fighting against minor crimes such as vandalism, littering, and improper use of graffiti in the city to eliminate petty crimes to prevent them from escalating to serious crimes such as murder and robbery, implementing the broken window theory in policing improved New York by significantly lowering a...
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