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Root Causes of Crime

Essay Instructions:

Virtually everything known about crime and criminal justice is generated from data analysis and research. Data analysis and research are used in law enforcement to determine the most effective strategies for combating crime, in the court system to examine the effects of sentencing, and in the correctional system to develop new ways to reduce recidivism. Regardless of the part of the criminal justice system in which you are currently involved or will become involved, you must understand and become familiar with the resources and strategies for this analysis to aid in planning and decision making.

The two main sources of crime and victimology data in the United States are the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) databases. For this Assessment, you will analyze the data and associated reports for crime trends. You will also examine the strengths and weaknesses of these data sources and consider conclusions based on the data within the context of data, research, and theory from other professional and scholarly resources.


The Assessment:

(Complete using template/rubric provided.)

Examine the past 10 years of crime data in the UCR and the NCVS located in the Learning Resources. Identify three crime trends from the data (2–4 paragraphs).

What are the strengths and weaknesses of each data source (the UCR and NCVS databases)? Consider their accuracy, coverage, applicability, collection methods, and any other characteristic you think is important to consider. Explain at least two strengths and two weaknesses of the databases (2–3 paragraphs).

What criminological explanations for your identified crime trends can be derived from the UCR and/or NCVS databases? Describe at least two. Then provide an argument for other factors and variables (biological, social, structural, economic, etc.) that cause or influence your identified crime trends that are not present in the UCR/NCVS data. Reference theoretical and scholarly resources that support your criminological explanations (3–5 paragraphs).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Root Causes of Crime
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Root Causes of Crime
The American Crime Reporting (UCR) Program and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) are two statistical plans conducted by the American Justice Department that assess the magnitude, makeup, and impacts of crime in the country. Both programs generate helpful information about the country’s crime problem. The complementary data provided by the UCR and NCVS initiatives combined provide a more detailed indication of America’s criminality than either program could generate unaided, as they have different aims, employ other methods, and focus on different areas of crime.
Identify three Crime Trends from the Data.
From 2011 to 2020, the violent crime, hate offences, and property criminality rates in the NCVs decreased from twenty-two to sixteen victimizations per 1,000 people aged twelve and older. Also, UCRS SRS violent criminality rate held at four offences per one thousand persons. This survey data provides information on numerous areas related to delinquency and victimization, including criminality in schools, vicious crime trends, criminality statistics, and police officers’ response to victimization reports. NCVS is conducted on non-institutionalized persons aged twelve and above from a statewide sample household sample in America. The sample contains inhabitants in group quarters like religious groups and hostels and excludes individuals dwelling in military camps and institutional settings like jails. Each piece of information is derived from ninety thousand sample families consisting of one hundred and sixty people.
According to the FBI’s UCR, murders increased across the country since killings rarely go unnoticed by authorities. Nevertheless, for many other sorts of criminality, including burglary and rape, the UCR presents only a partial picture since it relies on police records, and not all get reported to the police. For this reason, the NCVS is crucial. Rather than police reports, the NCVS is a poll of persons (Strom & Smith, 2017). Crimes also follow a seasonal pattern. According to UCR and NCVS, aggressive crimes rise over the summer, while property crimes peak late in the year. Aggression crimes are rising due to greater encounters throughout the summer, but property crimes are rising due to increased opportunity.
Strengths and Weaknesses of NCVS and UCR
NCVS provides information on crime that goes undetected. The NCVS looks at criminal activity that does not appear in the six-monthly police reports. Specific offences, sexual and emotional ones, are not constantly documented, so the data in the poll offers a detailed perspective of the reality. We can understand specific criminal tendencies that might be prevalent in society owing to the NCVS. It also investigates the culprit’s name, the case facts, or if the complainant and perpetrator are linked (Strom & Smith, 2017). Since the effort has been made for more than thirty years, it is also possible to compare the outcomes of the NCVS with those of earlier attempts. A stable sample is used to collect data, and the process has undergone satisfactory testing. This benefit means it is possible to undertake trend analysis and summarization and to analyze smaller population samples. The information produced by the NCVS is more reliable than the yearly method since it is published every six months.
UCR offers particular specifics concerning criminality and detention in communities by gathering data regarding individual offences in numerous distinct groupings. UCR concentrates on different criminalities happening in society and also hate offences data in America. UCR makes it convenient to explore earlier years’ statistics to detect trends targeting minority communities (McDowall, 2021). The UCR is considered reliable and credible because of data references from decades ago. In addition, because the FBI operates it, the public has confidence in its data.
The NCVS was established to gather data on crime in America. Estimating crime at the municipal, county, or state levels are impossible using this poll’s data. The NCVS has a limited age rang...
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