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Mid Term Assignment

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Describe the extent of homeland security issues within law enforcement and corrections and the prospects for effectively addressing these issues.
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Describe the Extent of Homeland Security Issues Within Law Enforcement and Corrections and the Prospects for Effectively Addressing These Issues. Student’s Name Institution Course # and Name Professor’s Name Submission Date Abstract The terror attacks that took place in 2001 were a reality check to the United States and the international community on issues of national security and global terrorism. Many security reforms were made under the leadership of President Bush, and those reforms formed the foundations for the country's current rigid security framework. Homeland security is essential to law and order; hence, it must be upheld at all costs. Law enforcement and corrections are among the vital aspects of homeland security that require a comprehensive analysis of ongoing challenges before addressing them amicably. Issues faced by these two agencies revolve around the work environment, the employees, and the offenders. The prospects for addressing these issues include adequate funding for homeland security operations and training officials in law enforcement and corrections facilities in different capacities. Legislators should also implement relevant policies, embrace technology in intelligence operations, develop cybersecurity solutions, and manage correctional facilities. Introduction Homeland security is tasked with protecting the borders of the United States from internal and external threats. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was formed in the aftermath of terrorist attacks in 2001 to oversee all security operations in the country. This federal executive department operates as an interior ministry responsible for public security. The DHS focuses on daily security missions, including cybersecurity, drug trafficking, border security, and emergency responses to disasters and terrorism. Law enforcement agencies ensure the constitution is upheld and everyone lives peacefully. Corrections facilities have rehabilitation programs that aim to reform offenders into better citizens. Within law enforcement and corrections, homeland security issues are particularly significant due to these sectors' direct role in maintaining public safety, enforcing laws, and managing the country's penal system. After the 2001 attacks, the security agencies in the United States have managed to address various security issues. There has also been increased collaboration between law enforcement and intelligence agencies. However, DHS's law enforcement and corrections sections face various issues that ultimately hinder its ability to deliver its services to the nation. This paper discusses homeland security issues within the spheres of law enforcement agencies and corrections services and evaluates the available prospects that would ensure that these issues are addressed effectively. The Extent of Homeland Security Issues The Homeland Security issues and responsibilities are of the respective country’s law enforcement agencies. These issues offer the impetus to understand the factors that hinder the ability of DHS to deliver its services and ensure internal security. It is against this backdrop that this paper argues the prospects of addressing the identified issues as outlined below. Law Enforcement The first issues in law enforcement in the United States are terrorism and counterterrorism. The 9/11 attacks in 2001 were a testament to the effects of disregarding the seriousness of international terrorism within the borders of this country. Law enforcement officers are tasked with identifying and preventing terrorist activities, apprehending suspects, and responding to attacks. Challenges in addressing terrorism issues in the United States also exist. Surveillance and investigation practices by the DHS must navigate the challenge of civil liberties (Goitein & Patel, 2020). This means that all surveillance measures employed by intelligence agencies must acknowledge that United States citizens have a right to privacy in digital spaces. However, surveillance will not be effective when criminals know the type of information these agencies are targeting. The second homeland security issue in law enforcement is the rise of cybercrimes nationwide. Critical infrastructures in the United States can be controlled by experts in cybercrime located in foreign nations. The threats in this regard include hacking, identity theft, ransomware attacks, and cyberterrorism (The White House, 2023b). Hackers can access bank statements and essential passwords, which are later used to steal money from personal accounts. Ransomware attacks target digital devices, and this causes disruptions in normal operations in the corporate industry. Addressing the issue of cybersecurity faces numerous challenges within the DHS. The rapid evolution of cyber threats requires constant updates in technology and tactics to combat them (The White House, 2023b). Recruiting and retaining cybersecurity experts is also a challenge in Homeland Security. With the rapid evolution of technology, cybersecurity is an area that will require constant adaptation to new sources of threats. Moreover, drug trafficking and the opioid crisis is a significant issue in law enforcement that requires critical attention from the DHS. This includes the production, distribution, and abuse of drugs like heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioids. The border between Mexico and the United States has been the central point of entry for illegal substances in the country. An internal example will be the recent developments in the use and distribution of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Law enforcement agencies have to navigate numerous challenges to address the issue of illegal drug use in the country. Extensive surveillance and interdiction efforts are unavailable to address illegal drug influx (Blanco et al., 2020). There have been reports of misconduct amon...
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