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Essay Instructions:

As tolerances grow for the personal possession and use of marijuana, there is a need for purposeful and well-grounded discussions on the impact the relaxation of criminal sanctions involving marijuana may have. Do laws prohibiting the growing, manufacturing, harvesting, processing, transporting, sale, distribution, possession and/or use of marijuana in any quantity reflect the socio-political values of the community; whether that community is a local town/city, a state, or the nation? Do these laws keep us safe? If prohibitions against marijuana are lifted, what’s next?

For the Final Project the student will compose a three-part position paper addressing the pros and cons of marijuana tolerance.

Part 1- How are the initial relaxations of the laws against marijuana an indication of a growing tolerance that should be fully adopted? All current restrictions against marijuana should be rescinded.

Part 2 - How are the initial relaxations of the laws against marijuana compromising the safety, security and “quality of life” in American communities? Prohibitions that have been modified should be re-enacted to their former restrictive level.

Part 3 - What impact will Part 1 and Part 2 have on the current prohibitions on other controlled dangerous substances (e.g., heroin, cocaine, meth-amphetamines, etc.)?

NOTE: This is not a position paper for the expression of your personal feelings regarding the topic. The paper should objective and identify legitimate and balanced arguments for all sides of the topic.

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Marijuana is one of the most used as well as abused drug in the United States and the entire globe. Studies show significant negative effects of marijuana outweighing the advantages. Medical benefits of the drug lie in the processed chemical compounds and not the drug itself. Mental and physical health of persons using marijuana is adversely affected upon abuse. In the past there have been efforts to control the use of the drug through legislation of laws. However, in the recent past, it is noted there is relaxation in implementation of the same legislations and the effects are evident. This paper discusses how relaxations of the laws indicate growing tolerance of the drug. It shall also discuss how the relaxations have compromised safety, quality of life and security. Finally, the paper focuses on the effects of control of marijuana on other substances including cocaine, heroin, meth-amphetamines, etc.
Researchers and scientists have proven that marijuana plant contains useful chemicals that have been used in treating several illnesses. As a result, there have been arguments to legalize it for medical benefits. Currently, marijuana is categorized as a Schedule 1 by Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Some of the highlights of research findings are here. Active chemicals in marijuana called cannabinoids has been used in development of FDA-approved drugs leading to development of pharmaceuticals used to harness therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids at the same time minimizing the harmful side effects resulting from smoking and eating leaves, Iversen (2008).
According to Bello (2008), marijuana has several benefits medically. Main cannabinoids THC and cannabidiol (CBD) are found in varying proportions in the marijuana plant. THC is used in stimulating appetite as well as reducing nausea. Other THC-based medications can decrease inflammation, spasticity and pain. CBD is mainly useful in controlling epileptic seizure, treating addictions and psychosis, reducing inflammation and pain. Sativex; a spray, is used in treating spasticity resulting from multiple sclerosis and has been approved for use in the U.S and other countries. Currently, Sativex is under further research to establish how effective it can be in treating cancer pain. The above medical benefits have led to legalization of the use of marijuana.
On the other hand, marijuana has adverse effects. When used in acute portions, it can cause panic and anxiety especially for naïve users. Impaired memory, attention and psychomotor performance have been proved a problem too. There is increased risk of psychotic cases especially to those from a family of psychosis history, Meyer (1975). When used in large amounts, marijuana can lead to chronic bronchitis and malignant disease. Researchers are still working on changes of marijuana increasing chances of cancer of pharynx, esophagus and oral cavity cancer and leukemia. As a result of these adverse effects that outweigh the benefits, there has been controlled use of marijuana in the U.S and all other countries.
Recently, there has been increasing pressure to legalize or rather decriminalize possession and use of certain amounts of marijuana and therefore pass laws to allow its use. Legalization involves removal of all prohibitions against its use. Implementing this means marijuana will be available for adults to purchase and use at their will. Decriminalization involves removal of criminal sanctions against behavior, article or act. Decriminalization of marijuana means it will remain illegal but the law will not prosecute any person found using or in possession of the drug. Instead, there will be penalties ranging from lack of penalty, drug education, civil fines and drug treatment. There is no state that has legalized marijuana so far but there are 26 states in U.S that have already passed laws that decriminalize it.
The result of these laws led flourishing of businesses that involve selling marijuana. For instance Cannabis Investments has been in the forefront providing information on how one can invest in medical and hemp-related marijuana companies and products. Due to the growing network of the business, the interested groups are exerting pressure on the state legislatures to basically decriminalize marijuana. These groups also count on the mass support from millions of addicts and politicians drumming for support to be re-elected without thinking about the dangers of such acts.
In the health sector, some patients have been recommended by physicians to use medical marijuana for specific conditions and illnesses are exempt from any criminal prosecution in several states, Werner (2011). Those in love with the drug may take the advantage to abuse it. Since addicts range from all classes of life, the powerful ones will use these medical loop holes to be exempted from prosecution through such relevant medical acts. Medical practitioners can use their rights to unlawfully permit some individuals who do not have medical challenges to use marijuana products. These marijuana laws vary significantly from one state to the other, one dispensary to the other and these disparities can be exploited for some drug users to their advantage.
Effect of marijuana on health, safety and quality of life
With the above discussed loopholes, marijuana has been used and their effects on the health sector are evident. Marijuana directly affects the brain. The specific parts affected include those responsible for attention, learning, reaction time and memory. Research attest that these effects can last up-to 28 days from the last time the drug has been used. Scientifically, the adolescent brain is the most affected. Parts of the brain that regulate personality expression, social behavior and cognitive behavior are usually not developed fully until after 20s. These brains are the most susceptible to most effects of marijuana as well as other drugs.
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