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1 pages/≈275 words
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Essay Instructions:

For this essay, please discuss the issue of how American military forces should be employed in conflict abroad. Is it strictly the president's call? What is Congress's role? Are the restrictions in the War Powers Resolution of 1973 realistic? How should this issue be resolved? Please use examples in your post.

Some additional info for essay:

During the Vietnam Conflict, President Nixon employed hundreds of thousands of combat forces into Southeast Asia without approval of Congress. Eventually, Congress felt compelled to pass the War Powers Resolution of 1973 (over his veto). As such, the president can still employ troops abroad to defend US interests, but then is required to notify Congress of the employment within 48 hours, and then withdraw them within 90 days - unless Congress formally declares war or authorizes the use of military force. However, subsequent presidents have not all followed this Resolution. This has caused a rift between the president and Congress that still exists today.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
The organization and positioning of United States military forces for war is determined by the entire interest of international community who will give a go head or stop the deployment depending on the consideration of necessary factors and not only the interest of United States of America. An effective analysis of cost benefit conducted to ensure that the benefits of deploying the military forces have more advantages as compared to the disadvantages. The USpresident is the one in charge for giving authority on whether to deploy the military action or not, which has to bedone in consultation with the Security Council and the federal government (Butler, 2008)..
The law in US gives powers to the president to order deployment of military forces as the commander of the military forces. The constitution as well empowers Congress to call for war. It is capable to fund and order hostilities at any time. In case of military attack outside and within United States, the president has powers given to him by the constitution to order the United S...
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