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Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development into the Justice System

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Incorporating Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development into the Justice System

Due Week 7 and worth 120 points

Imagine you are the chief of police. As the chief of police, you will need to ensure that your law enforcement officers lead ethical careers. In order to prepare for this assignment, review Chapters 7 through 9 in the textbook. Then, research Kohlberg’s stages of moral development and find at least two (2) relevant articles that discuss Kohlberg’s theory, Means vs. Ends, and Kantian ethics.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

1. Identify and discuss the three (3) levels of Kohlberg’s stages of Moral Development, and explain how you would address each level within your department.

2. Explain how your officers can use Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development to evaluate three (3) types of criminals who are at different stages of moral development.

3. Illustrate two to three (2-3) ways in which you would address self-interest and pursuit of pleasure to prevent police corruption.

4. Identify and discuss at least three (3) Prima Facie Duties that you believe all of your law enforcement officers should fulfill.

5. Support your position statement with two (2) relevant and credible references, documented according to latest edition of APA. (Note: Do not use open source sites such as Ask.com, eHow.com, Answers.com, and Wikipedia.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Incorporating Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development into the Justice System Kristina Vaughn Strayer University CRJ 220 Prof. Judy Tompkins JD LLM Prof. May 20, 2018 Incorporating Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development into the Justice System  To make a loss better, most people believe that the way to go is to use the criminal justice concept. The criminal justice system or concept gives the individual the idea of making loss or making the best out of the facts. In most cases individuals will see the best way to go is through the criminal justice agencies. Consequently, most citizens trust that the criminal justice agencies are the one to help them in receiving their rights as citizens. Therefore, using the Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, it is possible to explain the criminal behavior. Essentially, the criminal will not be able to understand their behavior apart from what they have as their personal interests. As a result, the information obtained from the Kohlberg’s theory is vital for obtaining deterrence in crime committed against individuals or particular families. Essentially, the concept of justice involves a sense of the person who is the victim of the wrongdoing by another person who receives some form of compensation in a number of ways. Firstly, the person can receive justice by the person who wrongs them receiving a particular magnitude of punishment. Secondly, the person who has being wronged can be compensated by being refunded what was taken from them in full amount. Finally, the victim can gain compensation by having a fulfilment where they feel they have satisfaction of whatever wrong was done to them (Dormaels, 2014). Additionally, the concept of justice is a relation that exists between the state individual and the state itself. In this, case it means that the justice system seek to resolve the issues between the individual in an objective manner rather than in a subjective manner of determination. Therefore, it based on duties and rights of the individuals more so on the law enforcement officer. However, the fact is that the law enforcement officers are not alway...
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