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Juvenile Justice System Writing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

What are some of the key principles of the juvenile justice system that distinguish it from the criminal justice system? What can be done to ensure that these principles are protected to the juvenile justice system remains distinct from the adult system?

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Juvenile Justice System
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Juvenile Justice System
Principles of Juvenile Justice Systems That Distinguish From a Criminal Justice System
Juvenile justice systems are distinguished from the criminal justice systems mainly due to the child right principles that are observed in juvenile systems. First, children have their interests considered first (Skeem, Scott, & Mulvey, 2014). This implies that whether at home or in court or prison, child considerations are to be given priority. This principle should be applied everywhere including when making decisions regarding the child. This principle should also guide the whole process that a child goes through meaning that any process should be determined by the child's consideration (Skeem, Scott, & Mulvey, 2014).
Second, the children have to be treated equally and fairly excluding any discrimination. Non-discrimination compromises justice for children. Usually, special groups are given special attention (Roche, 2013). These includes orphans, children born during wartime, children with disabilities, migrant children, children from minority groups, children born out of rape and children affected by HIV/AIDS. Equal treatment and fairness mean that children from the above categories are all treated equally in a fair and just way (Roche, 2013).
Third, the juveniles have a right to protection from exploitation, violence and any form of abuse such as hard labor witnessed in criminal justice. Children in juvenile should be protected against any hardship as they go through justice proceedings. Therefore, there are protective measures that have been set up in juvenile systems to ensure that the children to do not undergo any form of cruelty or torture (Roche, 2013). This principle also protects the children against degrading treatment such as capital punishment or life imprisonment irrespective of their offenses.
Fourth, is the principle of prevention of conflict with the law. This is a basic policy in the juvenile system which ensures that prominence is placed on the fruitful socialization and integratio...
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