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Research Vicarious Liability, Taking of Responsibility

Essay Instructions:

*please explain each one of the following. what is vicarious liability (intro) 1-vicarious liability implication 2-the delegation principle. 3-limitation on vicarious liability 4-statury defenses

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Vicarious liability is taking of responsibility by a second party for actions they do not commit. It is common when the person had the capabilities of preventing what happened. They occur in large organizations where the image spreads out, and the entire organization is responsible (Martin & Storey, 2015). In that case, the employer takes full responsibility. An example in the workplace could be bullying or some copyright infringement. An employer will be answerable on cases of bullying, or they are using products that violate copyright laws.
The implications of the law are to the employers who must take care of how projects run in their organizations. In most cases, they have the ability to make sure the people whom they are supervising can work in ways that will not affect their organizations (Martin & Storey, 2015). Nobody is ready to take responsibility for actions they (employers) are not responsible for. Some employees resort to testing the ability of the employees. They ensure the employees meet the conditions they need for the growth of the organizations. In effect, some sign contracts that will pass the responsibility to the employee in case of wrongdoing. Martin and Storey (2015) add that in the event of damages, the employer becomes responsible to the outside world but the person who committed the act must pay any costs to the company.
When assigning work to a junior staff member, the manager must consider some principles. The manager must first state the goals they are willing to achieve, in what is experts call principles of goals excepted. These will indicate the standards of performance to the employee so that they work in specific designs for the results (Frank, 2010). It is good ideas that ensure the manager do not complain of poor results. The parity of authority and responsibility levels equip the worker with all the ability to control the work he is doing. Delegating duties transfers power to the employee who decides on several aspects of the work. Additionally, there are principles of absolute responsibility and authority levels (Frank, 2010). According to the principle of absolute responsibility, a manager will be responsible for the results when reporting to his superiors. Regarding the principle of authority level, different people should consult within the organization. A manager must seek advice from the superiors while a worker may choose to work without consultation if not forced.
The voracious liability has limitations on the employee. Before an employer deems liability for any wrongdoing, the employee must prove that what he did was according to the terms of employment. Sometimes, cases of negligence are common in which employees pursue their interests (Martin & Storey, 2015). In such situations, they do not escape from the consequences of their actions. The law will punish them as well. An employer will prove that everything that could prevent some occurrence was in place, but the employee ignored his or her work. If they prove their actions to prevent the events, and staff found guilty, the law will apply to the employee.
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