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Juvenile Arrests 2009

Essay Instructions:

Navigate to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service website (https://www(dot)ncjrs(dot)gov/) Go to the Site Search box Enter the following: Juvenile Arrests 2008. Read the “Juvenile Arrests 2008” bulletin by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Resource: National Criminal Justice Reference Service article “Juvenile Arrests 2009,” http://www(dot)ojjdp(dot)gov/ojstatbb/njcda/pdf/jcs2009.pdf Write an 800-word paper summarizing the key points of the “Juvenile Arrests 2009” article. Address the following in your paper: • Whether juvenile crime is increasing or decreasing • The crimes which are experiencing an increase in juvenile offending rates • The differences between male and female offending; and • An assessment of tracking juvenile arrests as a method of measuring the amount of and trends in juvenile crime. Format your paper consistent with APA 6th edition guidelines. 4 sources 4 in-text citations Use the above source in the paper!!

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Juvenile Arrests
Much like the adults, juveniles also have a certain rate of delinquency, where they are involved in criminal acts which would otherwise be taken through criminal prosecution if they were adults. The juvenile cases are handled by specialized courts specifically predestined to handle the teenagers and other youngsters involved in criminal acts.
From the 1960s, the juvenile cases have been on the rise, with the highest rate coming in during the year 1997, where the rate was above 1,800,000. Between 1960 and 2009, there had been a rise that was estimated to be close to 300%, in reference to the delinquency rate as per the cases that had been brought to the court. This also means that the figure could be much higher given that there cases that go unreported and their cases are thus not filed for this analysis. In 1960, the juvenile cases handled daily were approximately 1100, while by 2009; the courts would handle more than 4100 cases on a daily basis. This is a tremendous increase in the delinquency among the youths, by all means. However, it is very crucial to note that after the peak that took place in 1997, there has been a decrease in the number of cases of delinquency. It is estimated that the delinquency levels have dropped consistently from 1997 to 2009 by around 20% (Crimesolutions.gov, 2014).
The delinquent children are involved in quite a number of offences that can be charged in court among them, violent crime, rape, aggravated assault, simple assault, robbery and criminal homicide among others. Overall, the numbers of cases that have been handled by the juvenile courts have decrease in the period between 2002 and the 2009. While most of the other crimes have been declining from 2000, robbery has been rising more steadily through the last decade to a staggering 35%. Otherwise, crimes such as arson, homicide, forcible rape and aggravated assault have all fallen with significant margins. Teenagers arrested for involvement in violent sex offences has also risen by approximately 3% (Ojjdp.gov, 2014). At the same time, children that have had cases for being disorderly has also been on the rise. The rate of the teenagers that have been arrested for disorderly conduct has raised more than 7% which id double the rate of the violent sex offenders. Either way the rate of robbery remains as the highest so far.
The crimes involve both males and the females of the different ages. By the year 2009, the juvenile courts handled more than 72% males compared to the female cases. The period between 1985 and 2009, the rate of female offenders grew by more than 3% while that ...
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