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Investigation Report

Essay Instructions:
Assignment Details While on routine patrol for the Anytown Police Department, you notice a group of what appears to be three underage male teens and one female teen standing along the outside wall of a local convenience store in a poorly lit area. Because it is 1 a.m. in the morning on a Friday, a violation of the city curfew ordinance, you investigate. When you turn into the driveway of the convenience store, your patrol car headlights illuminate the group of four teens. You notice a cigarette in the hand of the lone female of the group. It appears to you that two of the males are holding beer cans. After asking for identification, you began your investigation. It is at this point you realize that several decisions will need to be made regarding the underage youths. In an APA-formatted paper of 650–800 words, discuss the following: In a list that you make in your report, specifically identify the status offense laws that are being violated by each of the underage teens. Identify how you are going to process each of the underage teen violators at the scene. Explain in detail why you made the decision to handle the status offenses in that specific manner. Describe how you would handle any of the teen-status offense violators who is being uncooperative at the scene. How would this affect your decision on how to handle this status offense case? If you have one or more uncooperative parents who refuse to come to the scene and pick up their child, would this affect your decision on how you handle the case, and if so, what would you then do with the teen?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Investigation Report Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course # and Name Professor's Name Submission Date The police service in the United States is mandated to maintain law and order. They oversee state regulations like curfew and undertake necessary legal measures to correct violators. As a police officer of Anytown Police Department, I met four teens gathered in a poorly lit corridor behind an accommodation store at 1 am. When I illuminated that area, I found out that they also possessed illegal items as per the law. After requesting their identification and gathering more details, I realized that several decisions must be made on these underage teens. The paper will analyze the status of offense violations, appropriate decisions taken, and how to handle uncooperative parties. Status Offense Violations Teens' night out till 1 am violates state laws on curfew. Children under 15 are required not to be found in a public place after 2300hrs or before 0500hrs on any day (American Legal Publishing, 2021). The first status offense that all four teens committed was spending leisure time in a public place after 11 pm. The two male teens holding beer cans have further violated underage drinking regulations. The female teen in their midst further violated underage smoking regulations. However, the remaining male teen only violated curfew regulations. More violations may be noted during investigations and further interrogations as outlined in the Juvenile Delinquency and Status Offenses. Processing the Teen Violators and Rationale In this case, I will exercise discretion by being selective on the best enforcement approaches. I am aware that most teens break the law because of lapses that may originate from personal problems, community problems, family issues, and peer pressure. The extent of our interactions will be determined by their cooperation and their parent’s or guardian’s cooperation. For the male teen who only violated curfew regulations and had not abused any drugs, I will release him to his parents after having a detailed conversation with him. I will offer as much help as possible and give him the benefit of the doubt that he was under peer influence. Fo...
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