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International Crime Witness, Part 1: Germanys Demographic, Social, Political, and Economic Factors

Essay Instructions:

Use the Internet to research criminal proceedings in one (1) of the six (6) model countries from the textbook (GERMANY). Imagine you are traveling abroad in your chosen country when you witness a local national committing a violent assault. The criminal is arrested and charged by the police.
Upon returning to the United States, a professor in one of your criminal justice classes asks you to complete a written report on your experience.
Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
Determine the pertinent demographic, social, political, and economic factors about your chosen country.
Examine the manner in which your chosen country’s criminal code would likely view the crime you witnessed. Provide a rationale for the response.
Choose two (2) individual rights that the United States grants criminal suspects, such as search and seizure, right to counsel, etc., and analyze the country’s perspective on each right. Provide support for the analysis.
Investigate the manner in which the police in your chosen country would likely treat the defendant. Provide justification for the response.
Classify the fundamental similarities and differences between the police culture in your chosen country compared to the United States.
Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
International Crime Witness
The recent challenges experienced in different economics of crime have been stimulated by the insurgence of crime rates in most of the Western states. These factors are consequently attributed to the recent socioeconomic and demographic challenges such as unemployment, increasing inequalities, and migration. This paper seeks to examine criminal proceedings in Berlin, one of the cities in Germany with the aim of understanding the element of the international crime witness.
Germanys Demographic, Social, Political, and Economic Factors
German is considered as one of the growing nations in the world, with an increasing population of 81.1 million, a majority being the youths and the old aged. The economy of this nation remains resilient even in the face of economic uncertainty, with the government holding a sound and firm financial system that keeps the public spending controlled (Almer & Goeschl, 2011). The citizens of this country currently lead a life that is to some extent evident of the element of racism.
The political system of this nation is strict on matters corruption and upholds the rule of law to the latter. Germany is endowed with modern transport systems, communication and infrastructural developments, thus establishing its potential as a business hub. In consideration of the growing population of this nation, several people, especially the youths suffer unemployment, an aspect that has seen many engage in unlawful activities.
On one of the evenings in the city of Berlin, a young man walked into a restaurant and posed as a customer. As he was waiting to be served, I noticed that he was restless and would not hold on to wait for his ordered food. Before the waiter brought his order, the man drew out his fire arm and asked everyone to lie down on the floor, threatening to shoot anyone who attempted to reach his/her phone or whoever made any movements. As he held the restaurant hostage, one of the waiters who were in the wash rooms noticed a commotion and slowly crept to the restaurant where the man was busy emptying the pockets of everyone for anything that was valuable.
Before he knew it, the waiter reached for him trying to grab the gun. However, before he saved the customers, the man noticed him and fired towards him. In the enduring struggle, the waiter was shot dead, with the attacker freeing himself from the dead man who was lying lifeless on the floor. Some of the police officers who heard gun shots from the facility nabbed him and arrested him. The attacker was arraigned in a court of law with the attacker’s relations also known as the plaintiffs filing a case a lawsuit against the man (the defendant) for two accounts of crime that include an account of murder and robbery with violence. The man was tried in the court of law and is found guilty for his felonies where he is sentenced to life imprisonment in one of the correctional facilities in the country.
Germany’s Criminal Code in Viewing the Crime Witnessed
According to the German penal and criminal law, crimes are viewed as offences against people. In the case of the perpetrator, there were two accounts of crime that he was charged with. The Penal Code, Chapter Sixteen; Section 207 to 210 (repealed), the offender was culpable for murder and robbery with violence, an aspect that saw him subjected to life imprisonment (Almer & Goeschl, 2011). Several witnesses who appeared before the court testified that the defendant acted in a robbery attempt and held a restaurant hostage for a period of 30 minutes, robbing people of their belonging and finally killing one of the attendants.
On the other hand, the defendant had not been registered as a licensed firearm holder, and used his gun for criminal activities. According to the plaintiffs, the defendant used excessive force in robbing most of the customers in the restaurant and managed to kill one of the attendants who tried to defend the customers (Veroff, 2016). The court found the defendant guilty of crimes of robbery with violence and murder, an aspect that saw the plaintiffs favored in the final verdict.
The Comparison of this Case to the United States

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