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International Crime Witness, Part 2

Essay Instructions:
After providing your report to the professor in Assignment 2, the country's governing body asks you to return to the country and testify in the court proceedings. While you are abroad, your professor asks you to report on the court proceedings and correctional system. Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research court proceedings and the correctional system in the same country you selected in Assignment 2. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: Analyze both the court system's likely view on the accused's rights, as well as the court system's likely treatment of the defendant during trial proceedings. Provide support for the analysis. Assuming the accused is ultimately sentenced to a term of imprisonment, depict the most likely experience the defendant will have within the country's prison system. Provide justification for your view of the country's prison system. Expose two (2) ethical concerns you witnessed regarding the country's court and correctional systems. (Germany) Provide one (1) recommendation for change within each of the systems (court and correctional). Provide justification for the recommendations. Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
INTERNATIONAL CRIME WITNESS, PART 2 Name: Institutional Affiliation International Crime Witness, Part 2 Introduction It is essential to establish that the element of comparative criminal justice remains a subfield within the criminal justice system that evaluates various judicial systems globally. It is however, essential to establish that this study takes eloquence in a state’s political and well as historical processes (Roth, 2011). In consideration of the crime that I recently witnessed in Germany that involved the murder of one of the service attendants in a hotel, it is essential to review the courts system that determined the rights of the accusers, including the court systems approach in treating the defendant during the trial process, an aspect that determines the objective of this paper. This paper will consider the accused experience within the German courts prison system and establish the ethical concerns witnessed in this case. Lastly, the paper will draw on some of the considerations that could be incorporated with the aim of initiating change within these systems. Court System’s Likely View on the Accused Victims Rights Victims of crimes within the German court systems are granted knowledge on the commission of a crime, an aspect that requires them to testify at a trial or a court proceeding. In this case, it is essential to note that this state’s federal criminal justice system may not necessarily function without the participation of a victim and witness in the process of trial, an aspect that determines the accused right in the process (Roth, 2011). This clearly determines the fact that the court system’s likely treatment of the defendant during trial proceedings would require a complete corporation to a truthful testimony of the victim as well as the witnesses in establishing the innocence or guilt of an accused individual who commits a crime. On the other hand, it is important to consider that witnesses and victims are likely to develop feelings of fear, confusion, frustration, and anger, an aspect that denotes the necessity of the Victim-Witness Program of Germany’s Attorney’s Office that enables these individual to understand the rights that are granted to them by the law. This commission is consequently committed in ensuring that a criminal and his witnesses are treated in a fare manner by the justice system (Veroff, 2016). The goal of the Federal-Witness Protection plan in this country is aimed at protecting the privacy of the criminals and treating them with respect and dignity, and also working towards ensuring that the victims are informed of the cases in helping them find services that may aid them in recovering from their crimes. According to the German criminal procedure, the Code of Criminal Procedure developed in 1877 does not outline several guidelines in regards to criminal procedures, but provides particular stipulations in regard to the criminal process (Tomkovicz, 2012). In as much as Germany’s criminal procedure laws are federal in nature, major criminal courts are located within the state level that have the capacity to interpret criminal procedures and law. Considering the fact that the defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment for his crime, he has the right to make appeals against the judgment that was delivered by the appeal court. In this case, the defendant and the prosecutor are granted the right to make appeals, with the prosecutor in a position to appeal for conviction and acquittal while the defendant may appeal for conviction. Ger...
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