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Imprint Terrorism on Policing and Laws Governing Police Interrogations and Confessions

Essay Instructions:

1.Discuss the imprint terrorism has had on policing.

2.Outline the rules that govern police interrogations and confessions. Using a U.S. Supreme Court precedent that you have read or locate on your own, provide two examples of police acting improperly or infringing a suspect’s Constitutional rights in obtaining a confession. Make certain to cite the cases.

3.Support your writing assignment with two (2) outside scholarly articles.

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Policing Part I: Imprint Terrorism on Policing The police and defense ministries have had a milestone advancement in their policing strategies due to ongoing terrorism. To outsmart the terrorism acts in various states, police departments have laid down various approaches and undergone a series of imprints. Through the various modes of response by the police, the department has undergone a remarkable change and development in specifically defined areas (Greene & Jack, 2011). These changes have led to a better approach and a concise way to respond to various attacks and unrests from terrorists. It has primarily led to alertness in the whole department since terror anguish may happen anytime and in any place. From the 21st century, countries have experienced this challenge, thus causing the policing department to lay down stiff approaches to it (LaFree et al., 2009). Many imprints have happened, which has seen the policing department working more effectively. The introduction of the 9/11 anti-terrorism strategies emerged due to ongoing global and emerging terror attacks. It was mainly called the five-eye intelligence alliance (LaFree et al., 2009). This move on the police department was embraced by five countries that tied together against the massive terror attacks. The nations included were Austria, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdoms, and the United States. The police and security departments laid down strategies on how each nation was to safeguard the other through maintaining tight security in their borders. The 9/11 strategies worked effectively as each nation watched the back of its partners (Greene & Jack, 2011). The introduction of local security resulted from the localities’ terror attacks. Initially, the police majored in protecting the big cities, and therefore they were scattered in strategic places. When the terrorist started invading the locals, a straightforward approach had to be embraced. This resulted in local administration police stations responding to local terrorist attacks (LaFree et al., 2009). The move was aimed at curbing the possibilities of terrorists dominating any locations and putting a demand from the government to negotiate their needs. Increment in the number of police officers was and is still a vast and vast effect of terrorism. The need for securing the citizens had to allow the defense ministry to undergo extra costs in their budgetary allocations through the deployment of more police (LaFree et al., 2009). This is urgently a critical issue that cannot be overlooked by any means. Therefore, the increment had to be an immediate consideration due to the need to fill the local stations and for quick response in case of an attack. Vigilance improvement on counter-terrorism strategies to the cunning approaches by the terrorists in their attacks; the police departments have emerged with super antiterrorist strategies which are improvised to outsmart them fully. The defense ministry has been forced to include post-training of terror response personnel trained explicitly for situations (LaFree et al., 2009). Due to the diverse ways of terror attacks, the police department responded with responsive measures by doing a thorough post-training to mitigate the massive attacks experienced. The various systems of approach have made a significant step forward in trying to curb and stop terror and terrorism attacks by a considerable margin. Part II: Laws Governing Police Interrogations and Confessions Police interrogations and confessions aim to uncover the truth from suspects and criminals, essential in courts. The history of interrogations and confessions started in the 18th century. Before this time, interrogations and confessions were not controlled or governed by any law. Therefore, suspects would be physically harassed to acknowledge certain information. After introducing laws, the supreme court and other state courts acknowledged the importance of interrogations and confessions. For example, the 1977 case, Brewer v. Williams, was successful because of the confessions and interrogations. Regardless of laws governing interrogations and confessions, different scenarios of people’s rights infringement occur. The Fourth Amendment bars police from conducting coercive interrogations. Although evidence gathered from coercive interrogations might be true, such information is unacceptable in court. Courts require that the rights of suspects be observed and preserved until proven guilty (Woody & Forrest, 2020). The Fourth Amendment also requires police to enlighten the suspects about the Miranda rights (Mince-Didier, 2013). Suspects have the right to remain silent and speak under an attorney if they cannot afford one. Therefore, police are prohibited from using co...
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