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Illegal Immigration Essay

Essay Instructions:

Summarize the issues and problems caused by illegal immigration into the United States. What role does law enforcement have in addressing these challenges? do you support a path towards citizenship or worker-visa programs for illegal immigrants? Why or why not?

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Illegal Immigration
Illegal Immigration
For many years, illegal immigrants have been a troubling issue in the United States. The country receives illegal immigrants from different neighboring countries, the most notorious being Mexico. Today, it is estimated that the U.S hosts more than 12 million illegal immigrants, who have moved into the country in search of better paying jobs among other things (Siegal, 2013). Although, illegal immigrants may be viewed as beneficial to the U.S economy in that they provide cheaper employment, it is believed that the immigrants result to various negative issues in the country both social and economically. Owing to the escalating phenomenon of illegal immigrantion in the U.S, the government through its law enforcement bodies has a mandate to address the issue in order to mitigate the challenges it causes in the country.
Illegal immigrants, primarily move to the country in search of job opportunities. However, this causes American citizens to lose their jobs to the immigrants who are willing to work at lower wages (La, 2011). Consequently, the rate of unemployment among the American citizens increases causing economical unrest among the population, which may threaten the national security. Besides, illegal immigrants are blamed for stolen taxpayer resources where the country’s taxes resources caters for their needs such as healthcare and security yet a majority of them are not contributing for the resources, owing to their fake and unregistered documentations. With the influx of illegal immigrants, crime rate in the country has also increased with increased threats of domestic terrorism, which pose many harmful problems to the citizen and the government of the country.
Since 1952, the U.S government has been in charge of managing the immigration through the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (Ngrid, 2013). This demonstrates the federal government’s commitment to control the people coming into the country. In 1986, the federal government even went further to introduce the ...
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