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Policy Development Paper: Organized Crime

Essay Instructions:

Select one of the following topics for your paper:

-Community-oriented policing

-Terrorism–Security Policy for Large Events

-Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Policy

-Human Trafficking Policy

-Organized Crime Policy

-Cyberspace/Technology Policy

-Reducing prison overcrowding

Write a 2,100-2,800- word paper in which you research the relevant statistics, facts, resources, and public opinions to develop your own local, statewide, or federal policy related to your selected topic.

Include statistical, factual, and public opinion history information which supports your policy claim.

Identify all stakeholders (e.g., politicians, judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, correctional officers and administrators, law enforcement officers and administrators, victims, law-abiding citizens, etc.) and their opinions as it relates to your proposed policy and how politics may impact its implementation. 

Provide policy recommendations and the rationale for these recommendations and their impact on contemporary criminal justices issues and globalization.

Cite your references properly consistent with APA guidelines.

Three or more references.

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Organized Crime
Course title:
Organized Crime
Organized Crime refers to crime which is well planned and strategized with high intelligence employed. Organized crime often takes place across borders of various countries thus at an international level. There are myriad of crimes that fall in the category of organized crime. It has continued to be a thorny issue with the international community like United Nations intervening in an attempt to find a way forward to end this menace (Margaret, 2013). Organized crime has been said to undermine democracies whose resulting effect is to threaten to impair economic growth. This discussion takes an analytical look at various aspects of organized crime including the statistics, factual information and public opinion. The discussion will also tackle various ways in which the menace can be dealt with. The various ways in which corruption has led to the rise of organized crime and also how organized crimes leads to corruption will be examined in this discussion.
Organized crime is a complex phenomenon and in many cases dependent on the political developments, economic growth and social changes of a country (Jordan, 2009). Changes in politics globally have affected organized crime both by restraining its operations and also providing a favorable climate for it to thrive. As a result, the manner in which organized crime is conducted has constantly changed. The expansion of trade into a global market has opened up new opportunities that are well known and that have played a key role in facilitating of transnational organized crimes (Wilker & Austin, 2010). The political environment, social structure and development of the economical aspect play a determinant role in organized crime.
Corruption by and large does contribute to the existence of transnational organized crime. This is normally through a collaboration of corrupt officials in the government and gangs that are involved in organized crime. It is through corruption that these gangs are offered protection by corrupt officials within the government circles so that their operations are concealed. Through this form of protection these gangs are able to influence political decisions and as a result there is infiltration of legitimate businesses and structures belonging to the state (Jordan, 2009). According to research conducted over the years, the extent to which these two vices (organized crime and corruption) are linked remains unclear.
However, through years of observation and studies there is evidence supporting the relationship between the two citing heavy dependency between them (Margaret, 2013). As already mentioned, for organized crime gangs to operate; they need legitimate structures of the state so as to avoid any suspicion as to the nature of their activities. It is through corruption that illicit goods and drugs are smuggled into or from a country without such activities getting to be known by the general public.
Corruption of public officials including those in the law enforcement enables gangs in organized crimes to operate without fear of arrests and prosecution. Noticeably, massive bribery takes place at the borders to the custom officials so as to allow transit of illegal goods without hitches. Mozambique has always been cited as a perfect example of the direct link between corruption and the existence of transnational organized crimes (Margaret, 2013). This African country has been cited as an international transit point for narcotics as result of collusion between corrupt government officials and the criminals. The airport in Maputo has been cited as an easy entry and exit points for drug smugglers and those trading in illicit goods.
Organized crime on the other hand does contribute to corruption. This type of crime fetches a lot of money as it involves trade of illicit drugs. As a result, corruption becomes rampant as government officials. Without corruption, transnational organized rimes may not be able to thrive in a country. At the same time if these kinds of gangs did not exist, corruption especially among top government would reduce drastically
Shockingly, some public officials collude with criminals and form partnerships which they use to extort large sums of money from innocent and unsuspecting public (Woodiwiss, 2012). A good example is Ukraine where bank officials provide vital information of customers’ accounts to criminals which information is then used to facilitate fraud (Wilker & Austin, 2010). Corruption has been cited as a factor that speeds the rate of growth of illegal gangs. Arguably, any country where corruption is rampant there are limited opportunities for the legitimate businesses to thrive. Instead, there is a likelihood that most businesses would be corrupt including those that are supported by the government so as to be able to fit in the market
Besides being seen as a catalyst to organized crime, corruption is also viewed as a factor that facilitates organized crime (Mats & Monica, 2011). The argument is that without corruption these gangs would not exist as they would not have an environment within which to thrive. Although not much emphasis has been put on corruption, there is need to for governments of various countries to counter corruption if transnational organized crimes are to be put to an end. Maybe the main reason why corruption has not been given much attention is due its secretive nature so that not many people know of its existence. In addition, corruption is more rampant at the top ranks thus becoming difficult to deal with.
According to empirical researches that have been done by several independent bodies, there have been identified a number of issues which directly link corruption to organized crimes. Firstly, it was found that when the criminal justice system is effective then corruption is reduced and as such, organized crime has no room to thrive. Corruption is said to be one of the key elements of organized crime (Woodiwiss, 2012). Others are violence, drug trafficking, human trafficking and money laundering. Investigations reveal that quite a large number turn a blind eye on the happenings of organized crime in exchange for hefty bribes that they receive in order to keep their mouths shut. In addition, it is shocking to discover that corrupt officers in the police force go to the extent of revealing police investigations to members of organized crimes and alert them of any plans to raid their hideouts. A classic example took place in Bosnia in the year 2000 when a businessman involved in transportation of cocaine managed to pass through the borders without being netted by the police (Mats & Monica, 2011). This is after the businessman was tipped off by an insider from within the police circles that investigations into his conduct and activities were underway.
As a result of corruption, criminals have been able ...
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