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Homeland Security Organization and WESTCOAST Security and Investigative Agency SWOT Analysis

Essay Instructions:

1. Security organization websites provide a forward-facing image to the community. These websites also provide an external window into the structure and organization of each firm. To help you prepare for an emergency management situation, you will analyze 2 security organization websites—analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of each in relation to its ability to prepare for such a threat. You will also analyze the organizational structure of the security organization presented by the website.
2. Review 2 local security organization websites.
3. Complete a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis for each security organization based on information on its website. Remember, the focus for this analysis is on how well equipped each organization is to successfully deal with an emergency management situation. Include the following for each SWOT analysis:
- 3 internal strengths you can identify about the security firm from its website
- 3 internal weaknesses you perceive about the organization from its website
- 3 external threats facing the security organization that you identify or infer from its website
- 3 external opportunities available to the security organization that you identify or infer from its website
4. Prepare a 750- to a 1,050-word report summarizing your 2 SWOT analyses. Answer the following questions in your summary:
- Which key strength found on each organization’s website best presents a positive image about its - suitability for managing an emergency situation in its community?
- Which key weakness found on each organization’s website must be addressed to enable them to better present a positive image about their ability to manage an emergency situation in its community?
- Does its organizational structure appear to be a strength or weakness for the organization? Support your analysis with evidence from each website.
- Which key opportunity might best help promote a positive image for each organization on its website, in terms of its ability to manage an emergency situation in its community?
- Which external threat looms largest for each organization? How might each organization utilize internal strengths to address this threat in terms of how it might manage an emergency situation in its community?
- What improvements to its website would you recommend to each organization to better promote a positive image of its ability to manage an emergency situation in its community?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emergency Management SWOT Analysis
Institution Affiliation
Homeland Security Organization
Homeland security is accompanied by different strengths, making it suitable for adequately responding to significant emergency issues that must sufficiently be advocated for. The key strengths include timely response, reliable contact, and providing adequate contingent plans (Homeland Security, 2021). The organization timely responds to emergency concerns regardless of the locations and provides a reliable contact that is accessible all the time. It has also established a better framework for implementing emergency actions. Among the strengths, the key strength is a timely response to community concerns which limits criminal activities. Organizational structure is a vital strength of the organization since it is hierarchically organized, making accessibility.
Regardless of vast strengths, the organization also has various weaknesses, such as a lack of a specific emergency program, alternative contacts, and a longer process for intervention (Homeland Security, 2021). The website provides a variety of areas and may be complex for one to access the service. It also provides only one access contact, making it difficult to access during emergency issues. Lastly, it requires more details to be inserted before emergency intervention. Among the weaknesses, the key weakness is comprehensive details which may be time-consuming and lower the emergency response rate.
Different opportunities exist for the organization, such as adequate resources, technology advancement, and expansion of online networks. The organization has sufficient resources, making operation east and advanced technology for increased response (Homeland Security, 2021). The emergence of different online platforms also gives the victims the opportunities to easily access the website. Among the opportunity, the key opportunity which makes the website accessible is technology advancement since it allows the organization to easily access the arising problems.
The threats which may limit the organization from successfully conducting its activities include high competition, terrorist plans, and technology failures. Increased competition from other organizations may limit security enhancement. Terrorists may sometimes access the organizations using contact numbers, limiting adequate access to the community during emergency operations. Lastly, technology failures may reduce the emergency response during the community intervention. The key threat is technology since it reduces effective operation during emergency issues. Therefore, more advancements are recommended.
The most effective recommendation for the organization is to provide as many emergency numbers as possible, making accessibility to the organization easier. Increasing the emergency numbers would also significantly reduce possible elements of delays. It is also recommendable for the organization to link its website with other online platforms such as Twitter for constant upd...
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