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Shooting Incident Considering Political Body, Organization, Prosecution, Firing and Media

Essay Instructions:

1. Assume you are the sheriff of a large metropolitan law enforcement agency. Today, one of your undersheriffs was accused of an officer-involved shooting incident. A male was shot by the undersheriff during a traffic stop and subsequently died because of his wounds.
2. The mayor has called and wants to know what happened. The media is in the lobby and wants you to hold a press conference. You have learned the media has video footage of the shooting from witnesses at the scene. There are calls for the officer to be fired and prosecuted for murder. The sheriff’s office is already under scrutiny by the public in relation to similar situations in other large cities. How do you address this situation?
3. Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word detailed plan of action to address this situation. Include the following:
- Factors you may encounter when dealing with the political body.
- Factors you need to address when dealing with organizational behaviors in the sheriff’s department.
- Factors you need to address in relation to the organizational structure within the sheriff’s department.
- Factors to consider centering around the call to fire or prosecute the officer.
- Factors to consider when addressing the news media during your upcoming press conference.
- Factors that affect your decision making in developing the best course of action in this situation
- Factors to consider relating to potential organizational change within the sheriff’s department
4. Research these issues using:
- Media accounts of any police department
- Websites
- Personal interviews
- Internet sources
- Police department official statements
- Other resources you consider important
5. Cite a minimum of 3 sources in addition to your textbook using APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Shooting Incident
Institution Affiliation
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Shooting Incident
The shooting incident is one of the critical problems in criminal justice organizations such as law enforcement agencies. It is a vital issue since it is associated with different groups of interests and law factors that must be considered before making the final decision (Rajakaruna, 2017). Before making any decision about any shooting incident, there is a need to focus on different strategies which would leave all the groups of interests satisfied. Whenever a shooting incidence occurs in a certain law agency, there must be systematic scrutiny and limitation of any factor likely to jeopardize the image of the law enforcement agency. There is a need to comprehensively analyze the source of the problem to avoid any rushed decision which may have an adverse outcome, such as negative portrayal by the community. The law enforcement agency must work hand in hand with the community for positive outcomes. The paper offers a critical solution to a shooting incident by considering factors from the political body, organizational behaviors, organization structure, firing and prosecution, and media.
Factors When Dealing with the Political Body
Different factors may be encountered while working with the political body. Based on the shooting event, the political body must be adequately satisfied based on the shooting. Whenever the shooting occurred by mistake, there is a need to sufficiently justify the reasons for such errors among the undersheriff and actions to reduce them. However, when the issue occurs intentionally, the political body must understand the source of the problem. Therefore, while addressing the situation, all the expectations of the political body must be in line with the critical decisions if shooting incident. The common factors to be considered during the engagement with the political body include management of firearms, laws that guide shooting, and appropriate punishments for such cases.
Factors to be Addressed When Dealing with Organizational Behaviors
Different factors must also be considered regarding organizational behaviors. For instance, in the shooting incident, there is a need to establish a behavioral standard in the department to ensure that every officer act within the required standard to avoid similar cases in the future. Some organizational behaviors to be considered include engagement with the public, teamwork, and community participation (Petersson, 2017). The identified factors heavily determine the success of any law agency and reduce any similar cases such as shooting incidents. It is necessary to align the behaviors to better standards to address the situation and ensure justice positively. Teamwork is essential since it will reduce any possible chances, such as engagement in unplanned shooting incidences that destroy its reputation. Therefore, before taking considerable action against the undersheriff, it is necessary to communicate the expected behavioral standards to the remaining sheriff in the department.
Factors to be Addressed Concerning Organizational Structure
Before taking appropriate action, it is also necessary to consider necessary organizational structure requirements, influencing critical decisions. For instance, there should be an analysis of whether any upper hand was in the shooting incidence or whether an individual externally coerced the undersheriff at a higher organizational rank. The approach is necessary since it would limit any disagreements in the department and miscommunication. Coordination is a critical element in the law enforce...
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