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Four Functions of Corrections in the US: Arguments For, Criticisms, and Current State

Essay Instructions:

1. Distinguish among the four functions of corrections: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation.

*Be sure to illustrate the distinctions with current and/or historical examples.

2. Summarize the arguments for and criticisms of each of the four corrections functions.

3. Explain the current state of each of the four corrections functions in the United States.

-Use three sources to support your writing.

-Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.

-Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.


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Correction Function in the USA
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Four Functions of Corrections
The fundamental purpose of retribution is to offer criminals some spiritual or emotional restitution for the crime they have committed. The ultimate objective is to realign society so that it is on a more level and equitable playing field.
The primary objective of deterrence is to cut down on future criminal activity by rendering the likely effects of such behavior unappealing to potential offenders (Motlalekgosi, 2022). The fundamental idea behind this approach is that those capable of breaking the law will choose not to do so to avoid the legal penalties that could result from their actions.
Incapacitation, which is the process of removing a person from society by placing them in jail, has as its principal purpose the protection of the general public from the potential harm that criminals may cause.
The primary objective of rehabilitation is to effect behavioral modification in formerly lawbreaking individuals by focusing on the factors that led to their involvement in criminal activity (Motlalekgosi, 2022). After being isolated for extended periods, it can be difficult for individuals to reintegrate back into society without the assistance of educational opportunities, therapeutic therapies, vocational training, and other programs.
Criticism and Summary
Proponents of retribution say that not only is it possible to cut down on criminal recidivism but also that it is possible to change social norms. Some individuals may have difficulty adapting to new circumstances, which has caused some to question the efficacy of rehabilitation programs (Hatfield, 2021). Financial and resource constraints could slow down the implementation of substantial restoration activities. Detractors have raised concerns over the possibly severe punitive measures and the skyrocketing expenses associated with jail. It is possible that longer sentences could increase the number of people incarcerated, making it more challenging to distribute resources and carry out rehabilitation programs (Deska et al., 2020). Those who favor stronger sanctions claim they can discourage some individuals from...
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