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Impact of Technology on Human Behavior, the Subcultures, and the Role of Internet Growth

Essay Instructions:

Part 1

Discuss two ways technology has changed human behavior in the past 20 years. Use specific examples. (10 points)

Explain what subcultures are and how the growth of the internet has affected how members of subcultures communicate. (10 points)

Part 2 (45 points)

Look at online news articles to find three recent (2015 or later) examples of cybercrimes. For each example:

Explain what happened and identify what kind of cybercrime it is (15 points)

Identify the digital evidence used in the investigation (15 points)

Apply a criminological theory to explain why the crime may have been committed (15 points)

Part 3 (35 points)

The FBI suspects that the motor vehicle registration records in three states have been hacked and that the data is being used to create false identities for a variety of thefts and fraud. The FBI has identified a suspect to be investigated. The suspect has both home and office computers as well as a cell phone and an unspecified number of USB drives.

What federal laws should be relied upon to investigate this crime? (5 points)

Explain the process for obtaining warrants that will be needed to conduct a search and the evidence these warrants might need to seize. (10 points)

Describe the process of extracting and processing evidence from the seized materials. (10 points)

Identify and explain a court case whose findings might apply to this investigation and the prosecution of the offender. (10 points)

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Cybercrime Essay
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Technological advancement plays a pivotal role in organizations and communities. It has changed how individuals communicate, especially with the advent of social networking sites, smartphones, and other sophisticated information-sharing tools. Technological advancements have come with a myriad of cyber-security concerns, thus requiring mitigation measures. This paper discusses the impact of technology on human behavior, the meaning of subcultures, and the role of internet growth in such respects. It also identifies online news articles related to cybercrime, digital evidence used, and the role of criminological theory in the committed crime. The paper's final portion discusses federal laws and other issues investigating the crime committed in the provided case scenario.
Part 1
Technology has significantly remodeled human behavior in the past 20 years. The ubiquity of technology, specifically smartphones, has affected the consumption of information and social interactions (Ajzen, 2020). Unlike in the past, people now indulge themselves in virtual relationships instead of physical ones. For example, different social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, have merged, and people get different perceptions of self-worth through clicks to share and like. Also, the introduction of streaming services like YouTube and Netflix has completely altered entertainment consumption. On-demand viewing has replaced traditional television schedules, changing attention spans and viewing habits. For instance, Binge-watching a whole season of a TV program at a go is now a norm, influencing how individuals use their leisure time. Technology acceptance significantly affects human behavior positively or negatively (Ajzen, 2020).
Subcultures imply distinct groups in a larger culture that share common values, interests, and behaviors. The tremendous growth of the internet has offered a global space and platforms for such distinct groups to connect and communicate, exceeding geographical constraints. The increase of the internet worldwide necessitates people to engage in social activities that revolve around media space interaction; in this case, subcultures are not an exception. Members of subcultures can locate like-minded people more quickly and conveniently, promoting a sense of belonging (Zolotukhin et al., 2020). For instance, the "fandom" subculture encompasses enthusiasts of TV series, movies, and books coming together in online forums to discuss and share their opinions and passion.
Part 2
Equifax data breach is a cybercrime in 2017 where Equifax, a credit reporting agency, suffered a significant data breach. In this case, hackers illegally accessed the personal and financial data of about 150 million people (Leonhardt, 2019). Such cybercrime involves data breach, which falls under data theft or cyber espionage. The investigation utilized digital evidence to track the hackers' activities in the Equifax network, like communication channels, log files depicting access, and data exfiltration patterns. The forensic analysis of data traffic and network logs helped point out the cybercriminals' techniques and the breach at large. Routine activities theory applies in this case, and it assumes there are three factors to crime: motivated offender, absence of capable guardianship, and appropriate target (Luo et al., 2020). The hackers were motivated offenders aiming to exploit weaknesses in Equifax's security systems. Equifax was the appropriate target as it had vast amounts of sensitive customer information. In this case, the absence of capable guardianship involves ineffective cybersecurity measures. The breach occurred due to inefficient safeguards, offering a suitable opportunity for the hackers to exploit the event.
The WannaCry ransomware is another cybercrime in 2017 where malicious software encrypted customers' information and demanded ransom to release it (BBC, 2017). The attack was a kind of ransomware that falls under cyber extortion. Digital evidence entailed the used ransomware code, its propagation in different networks, bitcoin ransom payment addresses, and communication channels used. Such digital traces contributed significantly to understanding the scope of the attack and the techniques used. Social learning theory explains that a cyber-attack can result from the impacts of peers and observed behaviors (Shadmanfaat et al., 2019). From the perspective of the online world, platforms and dark web spaces offer grounds for cybercriminals to share methods and tools, resulting in the incorporation of criminal behavior. Considering the perceived internet's anonymity, people may view cybercrimes as profitable and less-risky.
A supply chain attack targeting the Sol...
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