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Draft the Patent Drawings: Chronically-ill Patients

Essay Instructions:

Please read and familiarize yourself with the sections of a utility patent on the USPTO website, then read the assigned chapters from the textbook. Use the online video as a reference for drafting your drawings. For your patent application, you should sketch out a black and white drawing of your invention which should clearly show all parts covered in your claims. You will not be graded on your artistic ability. Remember to label each important segment of your drawing with a number that you will reference in your detailed description. Please submit at least one drawing of your invention as a .jpg or .pdf; if a one drawing does not clearly describe your invention, please use multiple drawings. Please include a brief description of each of the detailed views of your drawing. You may want to draft your detailed description in the next assignment before submitting your drawings to ensure your drawings are marked up appropriately. The patent drawings should be in the style of a utility patent but do not need to hold the strict formatting requirements of a utility patent.

Length: 3-5 pages

Essay Sample Content Preview:
EMERGENCY TAG FOR CHRONICALLY-ILL PATIENTS BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Field of the Invention The present invention is directed to a specific emergency tag, a first-aid accessory for a patient with chronic illness that could be brought with the patient anywhere and could even be worn such that it would be labeled with emergency routine in situations where in the patient suffers from sudden attacks of his illness, and would also be labeled with necessary information with reference to the emergency contact person and more importantly the identification of the patient, smoothly attached to a compartment providing storage for first-aid medicine in a manner where in the said medicine can be easily accessible by both patient and the involved parties when the situation calls for emergency measures regarding the sudden illness attacks of the patient. Description of the Related Art Chronic illnesses commonly include epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, various heart and cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. People suffering chronically tend to have sudden attacks regardless of the place and time they are in. Such incidences can also happen in the bathroom, particularly during baths. Epileptic patients require medical help when it is his first seizure and it lasts more than five minutes. Furthermore, when another seizure occurs right after the first and when the jerking stops but the patient does not become awake. When either of these happens, contacting an immediate relative of the patients is necessary. Meanwhile, for diabetic patients (diabetes mellitus), their low blood sugar levels can lead to a state of unconsciousness. Stupor happens if there would be no prompt first-aids. Sudden attacks tremendously require other people in the area to perform first-aid immediately. This is applicable whether upon losing consciousness or becoming incapable of helping themselves. People with heart and cardiovascular diseases can have worse conditions resulting to stroke paralyzing them. This happens when they have sudden attacks and after three to five minutes they are still not treated with first-aid. The same can be stated regarding patients with hypertension or high blood pressure. It becomes more serious and in need of attention if they are not rescued on time. Sudden heart attacks can lead to immediate death In other situations like angina pectoris, the first aid and follow-through are more complicated. If after five minutes the tablet has not yet relieved the patient, give another tablet. Should it not yet provide relieve after another three to five minutes, send or accompany he patient to the doctor in fifteen minutes. Some people suffering from diabetes, heart and cardiovascular disease, and hypertension have become more cautious. Since they have become used to sudden attacks, they are now more likely to be looking for ways to help themselves. In order to evade a worse condition, they bring with them their own first-aid medicines. As much as possible, upon sensing abrupt attacks they take in themselves their own medications. On the other hand, if they become incapable of medicating on their own someone nearby has to do it for them. Unfortunately, the strangers nearest to the patients might not perform first-aid effectively. Unawareness of the exact condition of the patient is affects emergency measures within a time frame. Moreover, other people are not aware of the patients bringing with them their own medications. For some, though they are aware of the medicines at hand, they do not have the courage to give it. While there are also those who simply do not want to use it. A few neglects to se...
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