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Emergency Tag For Chronically-ill Patients

Essay Instructions:

Drawings and detailed descriptions are invaluable tools for describing your patent to the Patent Office. In order to have valid specifications for an invention, you must convey the invention using clear, concise, and exact terms that anyone with ordinary skill in the field of your invention would be able to make and use the invention. While you are only required to relay the best mode for carrying out the invention, disclosing all modes possible will lead to a stronger application.

For utility patents, it is also important to include drawings of your invention that your detailed description reference. According to the USPTO, "The drawings must show every feature of the invention as specified in the claims." (Nonprovisional (Utility) Patent Application Filing Guide) Drawings must be clear and follow USPTO guidelines. Drawings are reviewed by a drawing reviewer before the patent is viewed by an examiner, so a patent could be rejected for incorrect drawings before a formal review. Think of the specifications and drawing sections as your chance to sell the patent. You must stress the advantages of the invention and clearly demonstrate how the invention works.

For drawings, it is important that every significant part has its own reference number (starting with a number higher than your highest figure number), and that no number is repeated for a different part. If you draw the same part in multiple figures, each part must be labeled with the same number in each drawing. Make sure your drawings do not use arrowheads to point out a part unless it refers to an entire assembly. You should label every drawing figure.

As a general guideline for writing specifications, try to keep sentences under 13 words, and no paragraph longer than 150-200 words. A heading should be listed for about every two pages of discussion. Ensure that all terms are clearly defined if they are not common terms. Writing should be formal but to the point, without any filler sentences or words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
EMERGENCY TAG FOR CHRONICALLY-ILL PATIENTS DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS In accordance to the present invention, an emergency tag for chronically-ill patients comprises of a central component (11) differentiating into two sides (the front label (12) and back label (13)), a compartment (14), a hole for hanging (15) as indicated in FIGS. 1 and 2. Referring to FIG. 3, the side with a front label (12) shows an emergency routine to be followed during the patient’s sudden attacks. FIG. 4 shows the side with a back label (13) where the patient’s personal identification information (case history, blood type, address, contact number, name) is written; followed by the name and phone details of the emergency contact person. The prescription medicine compartment (14) is located above both sides of the front (12) and back (13) labels due to it being heavier than both sides. Its opening is provided with inner screw threads fitting into place with the cap-plug’s (16) screw rod (161). The screw rod (161) has an elastic washer (162) allowing the cap-plug (14) to securely close the compartment’s opening. FIG. 5 shows a close-up view of the embossed, “Prescription Medicine” across the front side of the compartment (14). A hole for hanging (15) is placed in the middle atop the compartment (14). A chain or cord (17) will be used passing through the hole (15) in order for the emergency tag for chronically-ill patients of the present invention can be brought with him wherever he goes. The patient can choose to wear it over the neck or the hand through the chain or cord (17). The central component (11) and its cap-plug (16) of the emergency tag for chronically-ill patients of the present invention are made of preferably 6061 aerospace aluminum alloy. It has durable and waterproof properties. Although metallic or acrylic can be alternative materials since these are more affordable. However, the cap-plug (16) obstructs the compartment (14) via dryness, waterproof, and air-tightness maintain the good quality of the medicine inside, This because the washer (162) is flanked by the cap-plug (16) and the central component (11). The central component (11) can either be adhered to a container with the compartment (14) or be integrated with the compartment (14). Meanwhile, the soft material of cord or chain (17) which is used for hanging is meant f...
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