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Discussion Question Week 7 Leg 500

Essay Instructions:

"Marketing, Technology, and the Law" Please respond to the following:

Evaluate how effective the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been in protecting consumer privacy and targeting deceptive and unfair trade practices on the Internet. Support your opinion with specifics.

From the e-Activity, discuss your reaction to the public service announcement (PSA) in relation to the marketing of junk food to children, with a focus on why this PSA is appropriate or inappropriate. Explain your rationale.

**These are two separate discussion questions, please answer both**

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Discussion Question Week 7 Leg 500
Name: Instructor:
Discussion Question Week 7 Leg 500
The Federal Trade Commission is the main federal agency involved with privacy policies as well as enforcement. With increased technological growth, there are new privacy challenges necessitating the Federal Trade Commission to embrace new approaches of enhancing consumer privacy. Some of the main approaches used by FTC to ensure consumer privacy include consumer education, enforcement of the law, and policy initiatives among others. The online market place has equally presented unique challenges for the commission in its efforts to promote consumer privacy online. The internet has become a common market place and the FTC has to ensure this market place is regulated as well to ensure consumer privacy protection through the identification of unfair and dishonest online business practices. To enhance it effectiveness in the online market place consumer protection, the commission has reinforced laws on business best practices to companies operating the online market place to embrace innovate and creative services to the consumers by ensuring their privacy is safeguarded. Companies dealing with consumer data and information have been given guidelines by FTC that will promote consumer privacy and guard against unfair trade. The commission has also sought to prevent deceptive, unfair business, and fraudulent practices on the internet by developing the “FTC’s online Complaint Assistant” or using call center numbers that serve to spot, stop as well as avoid unlawful online business practices (Turow, et al. 2014).
The Public Service Announcement (PSA)is an important platform through which increased awareness on the effects advertising of junk food to children can be disseminated. This is because kids have continually been exposed to junk food advertisements in the media making them believe it is appropriate for while it has far reaching negative effects on their health and has lead to increased cases of obesity in children(Turow, et al. 2014). The Public Service Announcement is therefore appropriate and it frequency should be increased to ensure children and their parents are aware of the misleading media advertisements impacting negatively to children’s health.
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