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Reactionary Policies

Essay Instructions:

"Product Liability and Torts" Please respond to the following:

From the first e-Activity, analyze the current state of the government regulation of product safety to determine whether the referenced agencies are generally proactive or reactive. Provide one (1) specific example of each agency to support your response.

Compare and contrast the regulatory alternatives discussed in Chapter 8 of the text in terms of the efficiency and efficacy these alternatives might provide to businesses and consumers. Next, determine which solution is the most viable, considering the likelihood of support from business and government interests. Explain your rationale

**two separate discussion questions**

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Reactionary Policies
A closer look at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveals a lot of the strategies used by the agency are largely reactionary and mildly proactive. Tobacco is one of the best examples that show the extent of failure of the agency to bring the rate of health complication related to cigarettes. Currently, tobacco is the largest cause death that is avoidable in the US, yet the agency has been around for decades.In light of the developments in the industry, such as electric cigarettes, the in a reactionary manner agency seeks to extend its mandate over the same and other such products under the Food, Drugs & Cosmetic Act(Fda.gov, 2015).Like the FDA, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), is also largely reactionary. Regulations such as the Children’s Gasoline Burn Prevention Act are pegged on the number injuries and fatalities that have been experienced in the past, with in the consumer segment. In the case National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, within the Department Of Transport, one of the current reactionary that depicts most of its actions, is the proposal to review the policies on rear visibilities. This is after the rise in incidences where driver back up on pedestrians and property.
In light of the discussion brought out in the 8th chapter, it is clear that even the establishment of the agency is based on a reactionary element. As such most of their policies are riddled with reaction stances.Most of the legislations are made on a reactionary based strategy, which means that the agencies are constantly fighting the advent of new events, instead of anticipating and being proactive. Blanket policies also tend to disadvantage most of the consumers that are law abiding and thus prove infective. In light of the poor policies, it would be much better if the regulations are targeted at specific populations, such as the penalties for drunk driving. Blanket taxes on products such as cigarettes and alcohol are...
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