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Discussion Assignment: The Declaration of Independence

Essay Instructions:

Please watch the 10 minute video above discussing in more detail the Declaration of Independence. The video breaks down the Declaration in detail. Part of the Declaration explains the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." 
•Explain what the founding fathers meant with this statement. 
•What does this phrase mean to you personally?
•Discuss the ways that you believe the United States government should play a role in your pursuing and achieving your happiness. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence
As the video indicates, this is one part of the American history that most of the Americans do not know about or have distorted notion of. For most of them, freedom stops at being free to practice what they would want as citizens of the great nation. The video however, sheds light on quite a number of aspects with reference life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Understanding the Declaration of Independence - 9 Key Concepts Everyone Should Know, 2009). These are ideals that are advocated in the declaration of independence and that guard the true spirit of American citizenship.
With reference to the these ideals, there is need to establish the true meaning of their inception with reference to what the founding fathers actually meant when they included them in the United States Declaration Of Independence. One of the aspects to consider is the fact that these three are part of the unalienable rights that should be accorded to every other American citizen. Life is with reference to being alive. This is to mean that, every other American has the right to be alive and their lives have meaning (Understanding the Declaration of Independence - 9 Key Concepts Everyone Should Know, 2009). It is also to mean that, no one has the right to take life as it is a right that is God given. Every other man on the earth was created equal and this is a right that should not be taken away by any man. This further connects to the fact that, every man has the right to be free. This is right that is asso...
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