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Myths and Reality of Crime: Discuss How Society Decides What to Define as a Crime

Essay Instructions:

Double space apa 3 scholar sources
As we learn in the video, Crimes of the Powerful, our justice system tends to focus on street crime, often ignoring much more significant problems such as white-collar, corporate, and state crime. 
Write a paper discussing the myths and realities of crime. Please elaborate on the following points in your essay:
Imagine asking 100 strangers to describe a criminal. Predict whether those descriptions would be likely to focus on street criminals, or the variety of topics covered in this video.
Describe how society defines crime. Do not provide a definition – instead, explain how the definition is reached.
Discuss how society decides what to define as a crime.
Present a clear statement about a particular crime, something we know to be absolutely true. Illustrate how we know that this is an accurate statement.
Present an example of a widely held myth or misconception about crime and society. Determine how we know that this is a myth. Explain why this myth is so difficult to abandon. 
The paper must be three to four pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly resources other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Link to video: https://secure(dot)films(dot)com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?Token=47476&aid=18596&loid=137445&Plt=FOD&w=320&h=240
Link to Grading Rubric: https://ashford(dot)waypointoutcomes(dot)com/assessment/2766/preview

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Myths and realty of crime
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Many people description of criminal centers on street criminals. Their description would depict criminal as a murderer, thief, rapist, and any other person who breaks the law of the nation. Most people would not consider people who have committed white-collar crimes, corporate crimes and state crimes as criminals. For instance, when 100 strangers are asked to describe a criminal would most likely center on street crimes such as homicides, robbery, however, would not center on white-collar crimes, corporate crimes and state crimes.
Moral values and social code govern societies and shapes what society consider as wrong or right. Things or actions may be good or bad, if society or public regards them as such. Moreover, an act can be considered as offense by society if it contravenes the society moral values and social code. The society does not condemn an action for the reason that it is a crime, however; it is a crime because the society social code and moral values disapproves it. Society defines an action as a crime if it does not observe society morals values. Consequently, society can regard an action such as theft as a crime because it contravenes the society moral values, however; fail to regard as crime actions such as insider trading where people uses advance information for their personal advantage when trading in stocks of public corporations. In addition, society defines crimes as activities, which threaten social order, offend society principles, and endanger person lives or property. For instance, an action such as burglary cause danger to persons and their property, hence considered as a crime by the society. Furthermore, harass on society customs and people reverences for authority are a significant intimidation to a normal society (Ambrey et al., 2014).
White-collar crime statement
White-collared crimes are non-violent. The statement is true, as white-collared crimes are offences that are intended to produce financial gain using dishonesty ways. White-collared crimes are non-violent as opposed to crimes such as robbery, murder that are associated with violence. White-collared crimes are usually committed by people in commerce or managing companies who, because of their profession position, are able to have access to huge amounts of other people’s money. The crime is non-violent and the criminals involved in white-collar crime are usually involved in otherwise legal businesses and could hold reputable positions in the community prior to the detection of their deceptive schemes. Federal authorities are tasked with investigating a...
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