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Democratic Socialism (Why It Negatively Impacts Society)

Essay Instructions:

There must be an intro, then 1st argument, rebuttal, then a response to the rebuttal. (X3) and a conclusion. (11 paragraphs total)

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Democratic Socialism Name Course Instructor Date Democratic Socialism Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that focuses on political democracy alongside a social ownership of the factors of production. The proponents of this ideology oppose the capitalist views which they argue that do not support liberty, equality and solidarity. Democratic socialists advocate for self-management within a participatory framework for the benefits of the society (Curian et. al. 2010). The democratic socialists present an ideal society with very good intentions for economic growth and development for the benefits of all but its achievability is impossibility. Taxes are meant to be collected from both the private sector and those who work in the public sector. They are meant for public services such as education and universal healthcare. Democratic socialism looks at the society as a whole rather than focusing on the individual needs and problems (Prychito, 2002). When a society is educated or receives healthy services through the taxation, then, democratic socialism has achieved its benefits. The tax raised in a democratic socialism affects other people within the society. The taxes are used for social services such as healthcare and education. Those who do not have children in the education system will not benefit from the taxes that they pay. Therefore, they are affected negatively as they share the burden of educating children of the other people. Therefore, democratic socialism looks at the long term benefits other than the short term benefits as opposed to those who view their taxes as a philanthropic donation to others. Moreover, the goals of democratic socialism are to achieve equality and liberty for the benefit of the community. Those who do not benefit are assumed that they will benefit later. The democratic socialism supports both the private sector and the public sector. The government system works in a manner that every individual owns part of the resources through taxing the private sector and the citizens then redistributing the same among all the citizens through programs such as college tuition (Curian et. al. 2010). This is advantageous to the society as they can create well-equipped employees who will be resourceful in economic development and growth. The poor will benefit without limits. However, running these programs tends to be costly which leads to a rise in the corporate and individual taxes. With the rise in taxation it leads to a competition between the public sector and the private sector. In such a competition, the public sector is greatly affected as the quality is likely to be compromised while the private sector improves on their quality in order to attract more consumers (Sargent, 2008). No much attention is given to the...
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