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Criminology in the Future: Positive and Negative Technology Affects

Essay Instructions:

Access the Victims' compensation websites in your state and the National Center for Victims of Crime website (http://www(dot)ncvc(dot)org).
View the following in Criminology in the 21st Century:
Criminology Interviews: Director and Chief of Victimization Stats
Terrorism: A Study in Public Safety
View the following Films on Demand videos:
Targeting Terrorism
Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveillance
What is Biometrics? 
Research the following:
U.S. Patriot Act
The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003
Homeland Security Act of 2002
Write a 2,100- to 2,400-word paper addressing the following:
Future directions of crime fighting and it's role in social policy implication
The potential for specific crime-fighting methodologies, such as using biometrics, implementing cybercrime spyware, or mandating DNA collection programs
Evolving law enforcement and forensic technologies used to detect criminal activities
Possible civil liberty or ethical violations as they relate to the evolving technologies you included in the paper
Discuss how the evolution of crime fighting may affect social policy from national and international perspectives.
Consider how the evolving technologies relate to national and international policymaking.
Include at least two academic references.
Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Criminology in the Future
Institutional Affiliation
Criminology in the Future
Technology affects the criminology sector both positively and negatively. On the negative side, it arms the criminals with new weapons, enabling them to conduct massive destruction in the society. On the other hand, technology provides the criminology department and the police agencies with the knowledge and power useful to fight crime. Technology is a key aspect in criminology and shapes every aspect of the discipline. During the past years, technology such as the use of radios, telegraph, automobile, and the telephone was applied in the sector. More advanced and sophisticated technology is being applied in today's contemporary world. The technologies include the use of biometrics, computer databases, video surveillance, cellular communication modes, electronic eavesdropping, law enforcement vehicles and the use of non-lethal weapons like tasers among other forms of expertise. Technology enhances the safety of the law enforcement officers and aids in both crime prevention and fighting. With the improvement in technology experienced today, the future of criminology in fighting the criminal activities remains bright.
The fourth amendment of the American Constitution protects the citizens against any form of unreasonable seizures and searches. However, the constitution does not address the issue of electronic documents. With the advanced technology, the criminology sector can access the data of the criminal online. The issue results in an ethical argument as to whether the technology leads to a breach of the guidelines provided in the constitution. Despite the controversies that arise due to the development of technology, it is clear that the advancement has a key role in improving the tactics used by the police and defense sectors to fight crimes. The role of technology in the fight against crime cannot be underestimated.
With the development of technology, specific crime fighting methodologies such as the use of the biometrics, cybercrime spyware and DNA to trace the criminal and access to the information related to the offenders will be made possible. Biometrics have been in use in the criminal investigation department since in the earlier days. The technology identifies the physiological and the anatomical characteristics that are used to identify an individual. The technology is used by the FBI department to authentic the identity of an individual. With the advancement of the databases used to store the criminal records, the functioning of the biometric machines is likely to improve in the future. The criminology department continues to look for new scientific and technological advancements to expand the capabilities of biometric identification. Several initiatives like identification of individuals through biometric facial recognition and the use of palms among other ways have also been implemented and are undergoing further development. The use of DNA to identify an individual is another strategy adopted by the department due to the improvement in technology.
Cybercrime spyware is another form of technology that is likely to shape the future of criminology. The practice involves hacking the electronic information of the offenders and suspects to obtain electronic data. The investigation department is equipped with the necessary software to enable them to access the information about a client in the event where the suspects refuse to provide the necessary data. Through this, the criminal investigation department is able to gather information relating to a criminal act. However, the issue results in a legal and social consideration as to whether the activity contradicts the fourth amendment of the US constitution (DeKeseredy & Dragiewicz, 2011).
The mobile devices undergo continuous advancement leading to the improvement of the quality of evidence obtained. The advanced mobile devices have advanced features and can be used to capture criminal activities as they occur. This provides evidence for the existence of the crimes and portrays the individuals who perform the offenses. The internet has also provided a platform where people can quickly share their experiences and report the crimes as they happen. The advancement of the mobile devices has enabled the public to heighten their level of participation in the society in the process of identifying the prospects of various crime scenes. The level of collaboration between the security forces and the public in identifying the criminals has increased. This has positively affected the criminology sector. With the continued advancement of the mobile devices and the internet, the future of the forensic remains to be promising. The work of the investigation department is simplified as a result of technology.
Despite the positive outcomes associated with technology in the fight to prevent and fight crime, it also results in some negative and unethical effects. Technology facilitates unethical practices and also makes it difficult for such activities to be detected. A good example of an unethical issue resulting from the adoption of technology is the use of the spyware software to access the information of a criminal suspect or offender without his...
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