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Criminal Justice CLA Spring 2024

Essay Instructions:
Before starting the Criminal Justice CLA read the "A CLA Success Strategy Spring 2024" and the "CRJC 450 CLA Grading Rubric Spring 2024" You can find all Criminal Justice CLA documents in the Criminal Justice CLA Spring 2024 module. You can also find the "Spring 2024 CLA Stop and Frisk to Reduce Crime" document in the Spring 2024 Criminal Justice CLA Spring 2024 module. Stop-and-Frisk to Reduce Crime CLA-Style Performance Task SCENARIO: We are going backward in time to 2017. You are a criminal justice consultant to the mayor of Chicago. Although typically Chicago has a lower homicide rate than many other, smaller U.S. cities, 2016 saw increases in homicides and shootings, with 605 murders and over 3,000 shootings by the end of October. The mayor wants to demonstrate his commitment to protecting citizens from crime and is getting pressure from some advisors to implement the same "stop-and-frisk" strategies which President-Elect Donald Trump credits with bringing crime rates down in New York City when Rudy Giuliani was mayor, between 1994 and 2001. "Stop-and-frisk" generally refers to the policing strategy of stopping and questioning suspicious individuals and then frisking them for weapons and other contraband. In a televised interview on Fox News during the 2016 presidential campaign, the winning candidate, President-Elect Donald Trump, stated that stop-and-frisk was instrumental in helping to reduce crime in New York City and should be adopted in the rest of the country. In response to a town hall question concerning what he would do to control crime, Mr. Trump said, "I would do stop-and-frisk." He went on to say, "We did it in New York. It worked incredibly well." Mr. Trump mentioned the strategy again in a televised presidential debate, saying that stop-and-frisk had a tremendous impact on the safety of New York City....Tremendous beyond belief." In particular, Mr. Trump said that the NYPD's stop-and-frisk practices should be implemented in Chicago, which he said is like a "war-torn country," with over 3000 shootings at that point in 2016. Mr. Trump further stated that there had recently been an increase in murders in New York City because the police were forced to end the practice of stop-and-frisk by the "current mayor" and by "a judge, who was a very against-police judge." QUESTION Your job is to write a paper to advise the mayor of Chicago on whether he should mandate that the Chicago Police Department to implement stop-and-frisk strategies similar to those which President-Elect Donald Trump credited with bringing crime rates down in New York City when Rudy Giuliani was Mayor, between 1994 and 2001. Read Documents A, B, and C. Write a summary of what the evidence presented in those documents suggests regarding whether the policing strategy of stop-and-frisk was responsible for declines in crime in New York City and whether recent trends suggest that curbing the practice of stop-and-frisk is causing crime to increase in New York City. Conclude by commenting on whether implementing stop-and-frisk practices like those previously used in New York could reasonably be expected to reduce crime in the city of Chicago. Think critically about the information and evidence presented in each of the documents and base your recommendation to the mayor on your analysis of the credible empirical evidence in the documents. Cite specific statements and evidence from the documents to illustrate that you have considered arguments for and against the implementation of stop-and-frisk and to support your recommendation to the mayor. Be sure to clearly properly cite from which document the information comes from in the text of your paper. Be sure to use proper grammar and writing mechanics. Present your answers as clearly and as fully as possible. Be sure to use empirical evidence to support your answers and conclusion. Remember to write your response as if the reader has no knowledge about the subject. In the final analysis, you must make a clear, concise, and formal recommendation to the mayor. To complete this analysis, it is critically important to answer the following three questions clearly, correctly, and definitively: 1. Does the evidence presented in the documents indicate that the policing strategy of stop-and-frisk was responsible for declines in crime that have occurred in New York City at any time since the early 1990s? 2. Does the evidence presented in the documents indicate that curbing the practice of stop-and-frisk in recent years caused or is causing crime to increase in New York City? 3. Based on the information and evidence presented in the documents, should the Mayor of Chicago mandate that the Chicago Police Department implement stop-and-frisk strategies like those which President-Elect Donald Trump credits with bringing crime rates down in New York City when Rudy Giuliani was Mayor, between 1994 and 2001 ? Read the document I provided, "A CLA Success Strategy," to guide your work. For example, to answer these questions, you must evaluate the credibility of the sources within the document. Your report, recommendation, and conclusion must be only on the information in Documents A, B, and C. However, not all sources are equal. Use only those sources which you determine are credible. Do not use any other sources than the ones provided. It is also important to address the issues contained in the rubric. The reason for providing the rubric before you complete the CLA is to give you guidance on how you should answer each of the three questions. Essentially, you need to demonstrate your ability to think critically, communicate effectively in writing, interpret quantitative data (including using the charts provided), identify and incorporate ethical considerations, and identify and assess diversity issues in your decision-making. Although clearly and directly answering the three questions correctly based on the information provided is important, it is only the final step in the process. The process by which you came to your decision and the way in which you justify your decision is the most important part of the CLA. It is important that you clearly, directly, and definitively answer all three questions and justify your answers with empirical evidence. You must upload your paper, which must be double-spaced in a WORD document with Times New Roman, 12-point font. In the workplace, if your boss asks you to make a recommendation and to justify the recommendation with empirical evidence, remember the lessons learned in this exercise. You will want to make a clear, direct, and unambiguous recommendation which is grounded in empirical evidence. You will want to do it in a clear and concise manner and not be too wordy. Having this kind of skill will serve your well in your career. Upload your paper double-spaced in a WORD document using Times New Roman, 12pt. font.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Advising the Mayor of Chicago on Implementing Stop-and-Frisk Strategies Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name March 9, 2024 Reducing the number of crimes is a key to safety and the development of the societal economy. Accordingly, the case before us shows how the City of Chicago has experienced a surge in violent crimes, particularly homicides and shootings, marking 2016 as a year of increased violence with over 605 murders and 3,000 shootings by the end of October. In response, both government and news reports have shown that there has been a consideration of adopting the stop-and-frisk policing strategy due to its 'alleged' proven effectiveness in New York under Mayor Rudy Giuliani. However, given that the conduct of stop-and-frisk should be done with great care as it could infringe on the rights of individuals, this document would aim to critically evaluate the effectiveness and legality of stop-and-frisk in New York City and its potential applicability to Chicago. Effectiveness of Stop-and-Frisk in New York City Upon analysis of the documents above and reports, the Stop-and-Frisk solution provides varying results when applied in the City of New York. For instance, in the article by Bump (2016) for the Washington Post, he provided a critical view of stop-and-frisk, indicating no clear correlation between its use and the reduction in crime rates in New York City. Specifically, he noted after a careful analysis of the City's records, that "simply put, there's almost no correlation" between stop-and-frisk and the rate of violent crimes or murders, suggesting that the decline in New York's crime began before Giuliani's tenure and continued after his departure without a clear link to stop-and-frisk practices. Interestingly, this is also echoed by Cullen (2016), who said that ending stop-and-frisk did not increase crime rates in New York City, countering clai...
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